The Prince's Bride Part 2 - J.J. McAvoy Page 0,102

at her. “Sleeping?”

She nodded. “Miss was not able to sleep last night on account of her nervousness. She even ended up in the gardens speaking to the king. Then we woke her up early this morning, and she’s been up since, leaving the queen about ten minutes ago. She is exhausted, so Her Grace said to let her rest until dinner.”

It was like she had taken all the wind out of my sails. Now I just stood there like an idiot, which she also recognized because she stared at me with slight amusement all over her face.

“I see,” I finally said. “Well, keep up the good work.”

“Yes, sir.”

I nodded, turning away from the door. Of course, Odette would be sleeping! The country was praising her, and instead of basking in it, she was asleep. When they were complaining, that was when she was front and center, full attention.

“Who shit in your Oreos?” Eliza asked, coming up the stairs.

“What has Mother told you about that type of language?” I asked her.

“Since when did you complain, Captain Curse-A-Lot,” she shot back, standing next to me. She leaned in, checking me over. “Don’t tell me that you are becoming mature?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, maybe I am. Care to join me?”

She waved me off. “Absolutely not. I’m far too young to be mature yet.”

“You are twenty-three.”

She crossed her arms. “And what were you doing at twenty-three? Oh, I know, streaking in lakes. Going to clubs. Hanging out, drinking—”

“You’ve made your point,” I grumbled. “If you keep making it, I will also be immature and put you in a headlock again, you spoiled little gingerbread.”

She laughed, linking arms with me. “Spare me. I have something good to tell you.”

“Not even you can top what I already know.”

“Mom and Odette started planning your wedding today.”

Once again, I stopped, caught off guard. “What?”

“Yep, she agreed with Mom to have your wedding and coronation at the same time—this winter. The date is not settled yet, but they were talking about dresses.”

“Really?” This day, honestly, could not get better. I had thought to at least get through a few more weeks, allowing Odette to become more comfortable before bringing up the wedding to either of them. And I was sure my mother was going to push back on any discussion of it at this point.

“Look at your smile. You are so in love. Aww, look at my big brother.”

I pushed her off me, only for her to latch on more. “You are growing more and more annoying.”

“But you love me anyway. Quick question, who do you love more, Odette or me?”

“Odette, of course,” I said without hesitation.

“Ugh!” She pushed me away. “I can’t deal with these rainbows and hearts everywhere. You two sicken—”

“Is that why you went all the way to her hotel and begged her to stay with me?” I shot back, grinning.

She made a face. “I do not know what you are talking about,” she lied, going back up the stairs with me.

“Sure, you don’t. Either way, thank you, and I love you.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she said, waving me off.

I went back to the study, hoping to get work done so that, at the very least, Odette and I could have time together after dinner. Time felt as if it was going slowly. But I would survive it. Everything that came, I felt like I could survive.

“Miss. Miss.”

“Huh?” I turned over and was blinded by sunlight again, sending an eerie feeling of déjà vu behind me. I sat up from the bed, eyes wide, nearly terrifying her.


“What day is?” I asked quickly, looking for my phone.


“Saturday? Oh, thank God.” I exhaled, hunching over with my hand on my chest. “I thought it was a dream for a second.”

“What was a dream?”

“My speech, which was going well, and looking at wedding dresses with the queen. I thought it was all a dream.”

Gelula giggled. “No, that all happened.”

I paused, trying to think. “What happened after that?”

“Nothing. You’ve been asleep since yesterday.”

“No.” I gasped, rushing out of bed, this time to open the blinds, and sure enough, the sun was really out. It really was morning. I really had slept throughout the whole afternoon and evening. “I missed dinner.”

“You did.”

“Ugh.” I groaned, putting my hands over my face. “I just got some praise. How could I sleep through dinner? The queen and the whole palace will think I am slacking off because of one good day. Why didn’t you wake me?”

“Prince Galahad told me not to.”

Gale! I hung my head. Copyright 2016 - 2024