Prince of Cats - Tasha Black Page 0,36

soft voice commanding. “My eldest has something important to talk to me about. I’ll see the rest of you tomorrow.”

The lords and chiefs took their leave quickly and scuttled out of the room. Heath gave him an encouraging look on the way out.

Killian stood and waited until the last of them had gone, then turned to his father.

“Be seated, boy,” the king said softly.

Instead, Killian knelt at his father’s feet.

The Autumn King was stern but fair. All Killian could do was put his happiness at his father’s mercy and hope for the best.

“To be a member of the royal family of Autumn is to put the people first,” his father said quietly, before Killian could speak at all.

It was a familiar sentiment, oft repeated in Killian’s youth whenever he wanted something that was off limits.

“I know, Father,” Killian said, his jaw clenched against the desire to beg or storm.

“The young lady comported herself as a royal of Autumn today,” the king said with a twinkle in his eye. “It only stands to reason that we make her a member of the family.”

Killian’s jaw dropped. He looked to Piper, but she was on the other side of the great chamber, out of earshot.

“I mean officially, of course,” the king said quickly. “It’s clear she is already that to you, and more.”

“She is mortal,” Killian said slowly, his mind reeling as he tried to catch up to this incredible new reality.

“She is,” the king agreed.

“And therefore she cannot be wed to a prince of the Autumn Court,” Killian continued, repeating the rules by rote.

“Whose rules do you think those are, boy?” his father asked. “What’s the use in being a king, if I can’t use my power for the good of the people?”

“No more rule about mortals,” Killian realized.

“No more rule about mortals,” the king agreed with a warm smile. “We will have the scribes make the changes and official proclamations it the morning. For now, will you finally introduce me properly to the mother of my grandson?”

But Killian leaned forward to embrace his father first.

The old man hugged him back with surprising strength.

“You should have seen her, Father,” Killian whispered proudly to the king. “She was the picture of Devona.”

“So I’ve heard,” the old man said with a grin.

Killian straightened and crossed the great room to Piper.

She looked up at him, her eyes radiant, Kieran sleeping on her chest.

“My father wants to speak with you,” he told her.

Her eyes widened.

“It’s for a happy reason,” he said. “Let me take the little one.”

She allowed him to scoop Kieran out of her arms and he marveled again at how far they had come in only a few days.

He stayed by her side as she crossed the room to greet his father.

“Your Majesty,” she said nicely, dipping into a deep curtsy that was a little antiquated for a modern court, but nonetheless respectful.

The Autumn King gave her a benevolent smile.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, my dear,” he said. “You are a brave protector of my grandson.”

“It is my honor to serve the Autumn Court,” she said at once, warming Killian’s heart with her cleverness.

She clearly had no idea what was about to happen. Frankly, Killian was in uncharted territory himself.

“My dear,” the king said gently. “I understand you are the child’s mother, and dear to the heart of my son.”

Piper glanced at Killian, terror in her eyes.

He nodded and gave her a gentle smile.

She turned back to the king.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” she said.

“I expect there will be a wedding before long,” the king said in a pleased way. “Wartime weddings are simple affairs, but even a simple fae wedding may be luxurious compared to what you are used to.”

Piper stood before him. For once, she appeared to be speechless.

“Never mind, my dear,” the king said. “I will leave the details to the younger generation. But you will always come to me if you have need, yes?”

“Yes,” she echoed. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“That’s a good lass,” the king said decisively, rising slowly to his feet.

Killian offered his hand, but the old man brushed it aside with a wave of his bony arm.

“See you both at breakfast,” the king said, as he exited the room and the guards outside the door fell in behind him.

Killian took Piper’s hand and they left together, both of them still too stunned to talk on the long walk through the winding castle corridors.

A few minutes later, Kieran was asleep in the adjoining nursery, and they were alone in Killian’s Copyright 2016 - 2024