Prima - Alta Hensley Page 0,84

I know… I had to ask. “Why… why are you telling me this?”

He laughed again, the sound chewing into my soul like daggers. “Because evidently you are a very poor student and need some visual aids to drive the lesson home.” Digging his fingers deeper, he yanked my head back.

“You seem to have forgotten that when I ask a question, I expect a fuckin answer,” he said, eyes devoid of anything but evil boring into mine.

Pure terror ran through me, burning away any residual fog in my mind, allowing me to see clearly. This man had murdered Alek and Yuri’s father, and I had no doubt he’d do the same to anyone I loved.

Vomit began to fill the back of my throat as I realized I had returned to the same position I had been in before. That I’d seemingly learned nothing over the last few years. Here I was, considering stepping back into the very hellhole I’d barely managed to crawl out of, only this time my actions wouldn’t affect just me. My choices would affect people I actually cared about, and I also had a lot more to lose. If I did this, I was sure to lose myself, but the thought of possibly losing Baba or Alek… that really was the end of the internal debate.

“Yes… it’s clear.”

“Good, and just in case those pictures become a bit foggy in your pretty little head and you think about spilling your guts, I suggest you remember there are more people in that theatre of yours… two frilly dancing boys who will die as easily as their daddy did.”

“I-I won’t say anything…” I said, no longer in fear of my own life, but knowing I was now responsible for the lives of three others. “I’ve learned the error of my ways. I-I’ve missed you, Nikki.” Every word killed a bit more of my soul. Every one like a knife twisting in my belly and yet that no longer mattered. I no longer mattered. With a swing of the hammer, I pounded another nail in my coffin. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Of course you will,” he said, his lips curling into a smile that had icy fingers climbing up my spine.


“What?” Nikolai snapped as he turned his head to glare at the man guilty of interrupting him.

“The champagne you ordered is here,” the man said, evidently used to his boss’ change of mood or else totally clueless as to what Nikolai could do. Holding up a silver bucket full of ice and a bottle of champagne in one hand, a pair of flutes in his other, he asked, “Where do you want it?”

“Put it on the table and then get the fuck out,” Nikolai said, finally easing his hold and stepping back a foot. “Don’t interrupt me again unless the fucking hotel is on fire.”

“You got it, boss,” the man said, giving me a sleazy leer before completing his task and leaving.

Was it crazy that I was grateful when he pulled the door closed behind him? Considering I hadn’t left with him, perhaps it was nuts to feel gratitude, but I didn’t care. The thought that whatever was going to happen would at least happen without witnesses this time was the only good thing I had to cling to at the moment.

Nikolai casually walked across the room and tugged the bottle from its bed of ice, grunting as he read the label. “Not bad, not Krug, but I won’t turn my nose up at my good friend Dom,” he said.

I knew better than to roll my eyes or laugh… that lesson I’d learned fairly quickly after first meeting this man. I nodded, rubbing my throat to ease the pain of his hold.

He worked the wire free and then popped the cork, the loud sound causing me to jump and Nikolai to laugh. “Well, go ahead,” he said as he poured the bubbly wine into one of the flutes. “Take off whatever the fuck you call what you’re wearing and get down on your knees.”

Even knowing what was likely to happen, I seemed unable to comprehend what he was saying. I watched as he took his first sip, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed the mouthful of champagne.

“Don’t keep me waiting, Clara. You know I don’t like to repeat myself.”

Yes, I’d learned that lesson as well. It seemed the thing I hadn’t learned was escape was not an option. Not if I didn’t want another to pay the price for my Copyright 2016 - 2024