The Priestess and the Thief Kindred Tales 30 - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,64

raising his eyebrows.

Blushing, Elli nodded and looked away.

“I mean, just two of your fingers filled me up,” she said. “I don’t see how…I mean, not that we would ever, you know. But if we did, how…?”

“Well, it helps that you’re definitely a Numalla,” Roke murmured. “A female who makes a lot of pussy honey,” he added, in case she hadn’t understood.

“I am?” Elli squeezed her thighs together tightly and looked up at him.

“Mmm-hmm. Definitely.” Roke nodded. “So as long as I made sure your little pussy was all hot and ready for me, I should be able to slide my shaft right up inside you, little priestess.”

“Oh!” Elli’s breath was coming faster as she continued to stroke his thick shaft, which was throbbing in her hands. “Roke, you shouldn’t say such things!”

He shrugged.

“You wanted to know. But of course, you also wanted to make me come. And I’m damn close right now, sweetheart.”

“You are?” Elli looked from the thick shaft she was stroking up to his dark eyes, narrowed in pleasure.

“Sure am.” His voice was low and thick with passion. “Just keep on stroking, little priestess. In a minute you’ll see what happens. Gods!”

His last word was a low, hoarse shout, and then the thick shaft in Elli’s hands seemed to get even harder and thicker. It jerked in her fingers and a thick jet of creamy white shot from the tip, fountaining out to coat the backs of her hands as she continued to stroke.

“Oh!” Elli exclaimed as another jet followed. And another and another until at last Roke groaned and seemed to relax, though his shaft never wilted in her hands but remained hard.

“Gods,” he groaned again and exhaled deeply. “That was fucking amazing,” he growled, looking down at Elli.

“I…I’m glad you think so. I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right or not.”

“You did it just right,” Roke promised, giving her his one-sided smile. “Or couldn’t you tell by how much I came? Made a fucking mess.” He nodded down at his crotch.

“Um…I…” Elli wasn’t sure what to do next but Roke solved her problem by gently moving her hands and slipping down into the pool with her again. He pulled her close and kissed her gently on the mouth, making Elli want to kiss him back, though she knew she shouldn’t.

But just then, everyone around them started getting out of their respective pools.

“Hey…” Elli looked around as all the Tenebrian nobles began wrapping themselves in their long, plush bathrobes. “What’s everyone doing? Where are they all going?”

“Probably back to their bathing chambers to finish what they started,” Roke murmured. “Look—the Crown Prince is gone.”

Looking over at the large central pool, Elli saw that it was true—the Crown Prince and the noblewoman he’d brought in with him had left the Bathing Grotto.

“Come on,” Roke climbed out and offered her a hand out of the pool as well. “We’d better get going. Clearly Bathing time is over.”

Elli supposed that was probably a good thing. Who knew what else might have happened between herself and the big Kindred if the Bathing time hadn’t ended when it had?

But she couldn’t help feeling achy and unfulfilled as she stepped out of the pool and wrapped the long, plush bathrobe around herself. After all, she hadn’t come yet and now it didn’t look like she was going to.

It doesn’t matter, she told herself sternly. You shouldn’t be worried about pleasure—you ought to be thinking about taming Demon and getting a piece of the Healing Lattice.

But it was difficult to remember that when her entire body seemed to cry out in unfulfilled longing as she and Roke made their way back to their bedchamber.


“What’s wrong, little priestess? Feeling restless again tonight?” Roke raised his eyebrows at Ellilah, who had been tossing and turning beside him in bed ever since they’d slipped between the sheets.

He knew well enough what was probably bothering her. He’d brought her right up to the edge of orgasm without actually pushing her over and then left her wanting. Of course, he hadn’t done that on purpose—it was no fault of his that the Crown Prince had decided to switch positions before the little priestess could come. But it had doubtless left her feeling restless and needy—problems Roke would be happy to help her with—but she had to ask him first, he decided.

He didn’t want to force anything on her—not even when it was clear how badly she needed it.

“Feeling restless?” he asked her again, since she hadn’t answered Copyright 2016 - 2024