The Priestess and the Thief Kindred Tales 30 - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,39

voice, as he dipped a spoon into the slimy green liquid filling the bowl at his side. When he tipped his hand, the green stuff poured out of his spoon in a viscous drool that dripped back into the bowl like mucus.

Servants had come and put folding trays beside each lounge with utensils for two—though they had been given only one bowl of the “soup.” Clearly they were meant to share—though as far as Elli was concerned, Roke could have the dish they had been presented all to himself.

“Oh, this is ashta-kali slime,” the Duchess told Roke. “It’s a specialty of our home planet, Tenebria.”

“Slime?” Elli echoed, feeling ill. “Um…where does it come from?”

“It’s a very delicate algae which grows on the edges of our underground lakes,” the Duke said, answering this time. “We harvest it at its peak ripeness, season it with a bit of pika spice, and serve it fresh.”

“What—so it’s not even cooked?” Roke demanded, frowning.

“Of course not!” The Duchess looked shocked. “That would ruin the lovely, delicate flavor!”

“I see.” Elli tried to smile. “Well, it looks really…special,” she offered at last—which wasn’t exactly a lie.

“You’re lucky to taste it,” the Duke informed her. “We don’t have it often—it’s a delicacy.”

“I can tell that it is. Mmmm…” Elli pretended to take a bite of the “soup” which was literally pond scum and smiled widely. Then she looked at Roke. “Try some—it’s delicious.”

“I’m sure,” he growled but pretended to try a bite anyway.

“I hope they’re going to give us something besides this to eat or we’re going to starve to death,” Elli murmured to him.

“Don’t worry—I’m sure we can get a servant to bring us something from the kitchens after we get back to our chamber. We—” Roke broke off talking and looked around the room with a frown. “What in the Seven Hells?” he muttered.

Elli looked around as well and saw that all of the nobles had stopped eating their slime soup and were now engaged in passionate kissing with their partners.

“Huh?” she muttered. “Why—” Then she saw the reason everyone had interrupted the soup course to kiss—up on the raised dais in the center of the room, the Crown Prince and his “Bride of the Night” were passionately making out as though they couldn’t get enough of each other.

“What’s wrong with you two?” the Duke hissed from the corner of his mouth as the Duchess kissed him.

“Yes, why aren’t you Mirroring His Majesty?” the Duchess whispered, in between kisses. “You won’t keep your high status long if you don’t Mirror properly!”

“What about it, little priestess?” Roke murmured, looking down at her. “Should we ‘Mirror’ the Prince?”

“Oh, um…” Elli felt her cheeks getting hot but she realized that they really had no choice. “I…I guess we should,” she whispered, twisting around so that she was facing the big warrior. “I just don’t know—”

But Roke cut her off with a kiss.

Elli knew she ought to protest or try not to kiss him back, but as before during their Formal Introduction, she was immediately lost. She pressed herself eagerly against the big warrior’s chest and threaded her fingers through his wild black hair to draw him even closer. He still tasted spicy and hot and his scent—a dark, smoky spice that reminded her of a night in the forest—rose around her, making her want him even more.

His scent, she thought distractedly. Is it his Bonding Scent? Do Havocs have Bonding Scents? But even if they did, why would Roke’s body make his special scent—meant to lure a female into bonding—for her? It made no sense considering that the big warrior had stated several times that he identified with the Havoc side of his heritage and he didn’t intend to bond with anyone…

“Stop! You two have to stop now!” she heard the Duchess hissing at them.

Breaking the kiss reluctantly, Elli turned to see that the Duke and his wife were back in their original position with the Duchess sitting between his legs—as was everyone else in the room.

“When the Crown Prince stops his amorous activities, you must as well,” the Duke lectured in a low voice. “That is the meaning of Mirroring.”

“Oh, uh, sorry,” Elli mumbled, feeling embarrassed. “I…I didn’t realize his Majesty had stopped.”

“That is why one of you must always keep an eye on the Royal Dais no matter what is going on,” the Duke told her. “Be careful—I’ve seen more than one couple tossed out of Supper for incorrect Mirroring.”

“We’ll watch it from now on,” Roke growled. Copyright 2016 - 2024