The Price of Scandal (Bluewater Billionaires) - Lucy Score Page 0,68

passion out of it with those requirements.

“If you’re going to send me home, it has to be now,” he growled against my mouth as he ravaged it. “Tell me, Emily. Tell me to go.”

I shook my head, sliding my hands under his jacket and digging my nails into his back. “Don’t go. Make me come, Derek.”

The beast roared. Or maybe it was just the blood in my head. He was done being proper. Shoving one hand in the top of my dress, his other hand dove into the slit of my skirt. He found my breast and slick folds at the same time.

I gave a ladylike gasp, a noise I was sure I’d never made before, as his tongue thrust into my mouth at the same time one thick finger slid into me. His knee parted my legs until I straddled his thigh.

“Fuck,” he breathed. “Fuck.”

“My sentiments,” I agreed, licking at his tongue as he invaded me everywhere. Hot fingers closed around my nipple and tugged. Hard.

Speaking of hard, the erection rooting against my abdomen was a miracle of nature. I’d been keeping close track of Derek’s dick all night. And by my calculations, the man had been hard for close to two hours now.

The scientist in me couldn’t wait to study the specimen up close. The woman in me was desperate for the pleasure I knew he’d provide.

“Emily, if you don’t open this door, I’m going to fuck you against it, and I’ve had this fantasy about you spread out on those lovely sheets of yours.” He added a second finger to my channel, working its way in with insistence.

“Door. Got it,” I said. Blindly, I punched in the security code with one hand while gripping his spectacular shaft with the other. “I’m on birth control, by the way. And my blood tests are clean.”

I could feel the pulse in his erection.

“God.” He thrust hungrily against my hand. “I’m clean. I can prove it. Download test results. Text them.”

“I trust you.” I wondered if he understood what I was telling him, the permission I was giving him. But then the door I was still pinned to was opening, and we both stumbled inside. He kicked it closed with a resounding thud.

“Thank God,” he breathed, still fucking me with his fingers.

There was a raw finesse there in the way he crooked them inside me, thrusting rhythmically. He was still in control, though just barely. I went for his belt and zipper, and as I did so, my dress gave up the fight, slipping just past my nipples.

The noise was primal as it rose from his throat. “If I start sucking on you now, I won’t be able to stop.” He brushed his thumb over one peak, and it pebbled like an instantaneous chemical reaction, a combustion.

No one had ever spoken to me like that. No one had ever been this raw with me. My body was clearly embracing it.

The house was dark, the only light coming from the moon reflecting off the water outside. I felt something hard at my back. The foyer table. A lovely marble top pedestal with cool lilies, no showy ranunculus this week.

“Turn around,” he said, pulling his fingers out of me and shoving me around. He bent me over the marble, shockingly cold against my breasts.

“What are you—”

But my question was lost as Derek shoved the skirt of my gown up around my waist. I felt him sink down, and then his broad tongue was lapping at my slit from behind.

“Gah!” My hands scrambled against the cool marble. He skimmed his palms up the backs of my thighs, over my ass cheeks, parting them ever so slightly. And then his tongue was spearing into me.

I was exposed. Vulnerable. Completely at his mercy. And so turned on I wasn’t sure I’d survive this encounter.


“Do you like this, love?” he asked between impatient laps.

“God, yes. Take your cock out. I want you stroking yourself,” I ordered.

He bit my ass cheek approvingly. “Oh, Emily. What a surprise you are.”

“Are you touching yourself?” I demanded.

I heard the tightness in his voice. “Yes.” Then his tongue was nudging the folds between my legs again. I could hear the whisper-soft sound of flesh stroking flesh. I could picture him on his knees behind me. Pleasuring me. Pleasuring himself.

This wasn’t real. This was a depraved fantasy that I’d somehow wanted my entire life.

He didn’t want me because of my last name. Because of my company or my bank account. Derek Price wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024