The Price (House of Sin #5) - Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,22

as I threw the covers back and pushed to my feet. After rounding the bed, I stopped next to the bathroom door and knocked. “Luc? What’s going on?”

A muttered “Merda” met my ears. Then louder, he said, “I don’t need your help. I want you to leave.”

Panic churned in my gut. I glanced once at Marco, then looked back at the door. “I don’t believe you.” My hand moved to the knob, and I tried to turn it, but he’d locked the door. “Luc, let me in.”

“Get out of my room, Natalie. I don’t want you near me.”

“You did last night.”

“Last night, I was fucking drugged.”

My heart felt like someone drop kicked it.


“Cazzo. Just go already,” he growled. “Or I’m going to lose my shit like last time!”

I dropped my hand and stared at the door, my heart pounding double time. There was so much anger in his voice, he almost didn’t sound like himself. And memories of the way he’d been on that bathroom floor last night flooded my mind all over again.

Marco’s hand landed on my shoulder, and he gently turned me toward him. “Just give him some space,” he whispered. “I’ll talk to him.”

I swallowed hard and stepped back from the door. But my hands shook as I turned out of the room and headed back to my own.

Alone, I sank onto the end of my bed and just stared at the carpet beneath my bare feet. It was some floral wool rug with blues and golds and oranges that blurred in my vision until it all kind of ran together as one color.

Last night, when Luc had pulled me into bed with him, I’d thought the worst was behind us. But now, I had a sinking suspicion what Marco had said to me on the plane was about to come true. It was going to get way worse before it ever got better.

I closed my eyes and breathed through my nose. In and out. Again and again until my hands stopped shaking. This time, it wasn’t misery I fought. It was a blistering rage that threatened to consume me.

I’d never understood how a person could commit murder. But if Luc’s parents were here right now, I wouldn’t even hesitate. I’d claw their eyes out with my bare hands if I had to. And I’d enjoy every single minute.

A soft knock sounded at my door. Looking up, I worked to compose myself when I said, “Yeah.”

Marco stuck his head into my room, his dark eyes filled with regret. “Hey.”

I’d known it wouldn’t be Luc, and right now, I was glad he wasn’t here. Not when I felt like punching my hand through a wall. I wasn’t sure how he’d react to that. Or how I’d react if he started yelling at me again.

I brushed the hair back from my face and pushed to my feet. “Hey.”

“You okay?”

I shrugged as he stopped in front of me. “I could lie and say yes, but I have a feeling you’d see right through my bullshit.”

He smirked and rested his hands on the waistband of his jeans. “At least you still have your sense of humor. That’s a good thing.”

I wasn’t so sure. I couldn’t see anything humorous in this entire fucked-up situation.

I tipped my head and studied him. His hair was rumpled, his T-shirt wrinkled as if he’d slept in it. I had no idea what time it even was, but I had a hunch he’d worn his clothes to bed just in case Luc needed him. “How is he?”


“I wasn’t trying to cause trouble. I just wanted to make sure he was okay. He’s the one who didn’t want to let me lea—”

“I get it. He was probably loopy last night. Which is a good thing.”

I frowned. “It’s a good thing he only wants me when he’s drugged? Well, let’s just keep him high all the time, then, why don’t we?”

Marco’s lips thinned at my sarcasm. “You know what I meant. He’s not pushing you away when his walls are down. People tend to tell the truth when they’re high or drunk or loopy. His stupid brain’s just getting in the way when he’s awake.”

“It’s his brain I’m most worried about. Physically, I know he’ll heal, but what they did to him...” Bile pushed up my throat, and I worked to keep it down. “They set that up specifically so it would take away his control. You and I both know how important that is to him. They—”

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