The Price (House of Sin #5) - Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,13

lips and took a large swallow, then coughed, wincing in the process so I wouldn’t wake Luc. “Oh my God, that’s strong.”

Marco raked a hand through his thick dark hair as he chuckled and leaned back against the small two-drawer, built-in dresser under the windows. Perching his weight on his hands at his sides, he said, “It’s good stuff. From Fee’s family’s distillery. Drink it all. You need it.”

I wasn’t in the mood to argue with him. I tipped my head back and swallowed the rest, this time managing only to wince as it went down.

Marco took the glass from me, then set it at his side as he went back to leaning against the dresser. “You did good, Natalie.”

I wasn’t sure what he meant. As I looked back down at Luc and toyed with his hair again, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. “I don’t feel like I’ve done anything good.”

“I know,” he said softly, “but you did. You kept him calm. Fee and I wouldn’t have been able to get him stitched up without you.”

“The drugs would have kicked in eventually.”

“He would have fought them. He doesn’t like that drugged-out feeling. He doesn’t like how it takes away his control. You kept him centered. You’re the only person I’ve met who’s ever had that effect on him. That’s why it’s important you keep doing what you’re doing. This is just the beginning, you know. I wish I could say it was over, but I know Luc. And I’ve a feeling things are gonna get pretty rough before they can even start to get better.”

Agony clawed at my throat as I looked down at Luc. I knew what he was getting at. Not Luc’s physical pain, but the emotional turmoil he was going to have to deal with once he came out of this drugged haze.

I blinked back the misery and forced myself to meet Marco’s gaze. “Can’t you just take us away from here? Somewhere they can’t find us? Where Felicity took Dante?”

“I wish we could.”

“You can.”

“No. We can’t.”

His words were firm, but his tone was gentle, and even though all I wanted to do was rant and rage at the injustice, I knew it would do no good.

“They don’t care about Dante. But Luc...” He glanced at Luc sound asleep and immobile draped over my lap. “They’ll scour the ends of the earth for him. Fee talked to her father a few minutes ago. He negotiated with the Grand Duke for time to let Luc heal at Felicity’s family home in Scotland, but, Natalie, he will have to go back and face them eventually. There’s no getting around that.”

I couldn’t think about that now. I couldn’t think about anything but making sure Luc was okay. I looked down at him and brushed the hair back from his perfect face.

“I know about the deal you made,” Marco said softly.

My chest seized. Wide-eyed, I looked up at him as a new horror swept through me. “I—”

“It’s okay.” He held up a hand. “You did the right thing. The only thing you could. I didn’t bring it up to scare you. I mentioned it because you need to know that you have to follow through with that deal. Once Luc is healed, you have to get him back to Italy. He won’t want to go. It’ll be up to you to make it happen.”

The pain of a thousand daggers stabbed into me, lancing my chest. No, I knew I couldn’t defy the Grand Duke, but I couldn’t betray Luc either. And forcing him back to those monsters who’d raped and tortured him...would be a betrayal in his eyes. He’d hate me forever if I made him do that.

“I...” Tears burned my eyes all over again. “I don’t know how to make that happen.”

“You’ll figure it out. When the time is right. Natalie, you know how important Luc is. Not to them, but to us. We need him. He’s the only one who can fix this fucked-up House. Gio won’t do it. Dante can’t do it. His uncles, anyone else waiting in the wings... they’re all worse than Antonio Salvatici. There’s no one else but Luc. That’s why it has to be him.”

Just the mention of that awful House sent bitter anger coursing through my veins. “He doesn’t want to have any part in that House.”

“He never has. But we don’t get to choose our destinies. Luc’s destiny is to set House Salvatici on the road to redemption, no Copyright 2016 - 2024