Pretty Painful - K.A Knight Page 0,4

a woman, and she’s the only one you have at the moment. Bring her or I will be forced to remind you who pulls your strings,” a harsh voice threatens, as footsteps head my way, making me scramble back to the wall, crouching slightly. The door opens, revealing the man in the lab coat and another man.

He’s dressed simply, black jeans and a black top. A skull is tattooed on the side of his neck and his eyes are dark and mean. He checks me over, almost clinically. “She will do. Drug her, I don’t want her awake until we get there,” he orders, turning away without another word and leaving the door frame.

I push farther back, his words making me cower as the doctor sighs and pulls another syringe from his pocket. He heads my way, muttering to himself as he goes. “Fucking pricks, I had high hopes, but nooo, just do as I’m told.”

I blink, barely breathing as he grabs my arm, but I slip away, trying to race past him to the door. I think I’m about to make it, my foot slipping past the door frame before I slam into a solid chest. Looking up into those mean eyes, I shiver in fear as he smiles, revealing he has no teeth. “Hello, pretty one. Goodbye, pretty one,” he jokes, just as I feel a needle imbed into my neck, making me thrash against them both as they laugh.

Everything tilts and my eyes shut without my consent, dropping me back into the void of darkness.


Warmth, breath blowing over me, the smell of blood, metal, and something… darker…something…all man. That’s what I notice first before I even open my eyes. My body is sluggish, probably from the drug they pumped into it again, and I can tell by the cool floor I’m lying on that I’m no longer in the same cell. They moved me…but to where?

I manage to finally blink my eyes open, my lashes heavy, and my eyes sore and dry. The room beyond is blurry, all apart from the floor I’m currently lying on, with my cheek pressing into the grey concrete.

Groaning, I slowly flip onto my back, my body uncoordinated and hard to control. My head connects hard with the cement, forcing a grunt from my mouth, but I slam my lips shut when something slithers in the room with me. Pushing to my knees, my body weak, I peer into the darkness eclipsing the other half of the room. A twisted laugh tumbles from inside it and my eyes widen, my heart racing as I freeze in terror. My body recognizes a predator when it feels one and right now…I’m prey.

The slithering sound comes again, like metal being dragged on the floor, and I squint my eyes, trying to see who else is here with me. It reminds me of being a child who’s scared of the dark, like if you don’t move or look then it won’t see you. But this one does, he does more than see you.

Something darts out of the darkness, snapping at my face and making me scream, before I fall back on my ass and then to my back. That laugh comes again and I stop breathing as my eyes finally clear enough to see the male face hovering over my prone body.

“You smell like food,” he whispers, licking his lips. “Well, are you? There are only three reasons they throw someone in here with me—to kill, eat, or fuck. Which are you, little one?” he growls, his voice deep and rumbly, like ocean waves crashing against the cliff below.

His tone is so deep and dark I shiver again, and the growl he makes in response is purely animal so I freeze, my chest barely moving as he leans closer, sniffing the air above my face before he leans down and licks blood from my cheek. Pulling back, he closes his eyes with a groan before they snap open and focus on me, unblinking and intense.

His eyes are black, like a bottomless pit or the night sky. Just utter blackness that when I stare too long at, I feel like I might fall in. He has a trimmed beard, with pink, plump lips, dark slanting eyebrows, and short black hair. He is perfection, like a Greek god, all hard lines and sharp edges. His chest is bare, his shoulders wide and bulging, his arms muscular and tanned. His torso is the same as his face—all hard lines. Copyright 2016 - 2024