Pretty Painful - K.A Knight Page 0,13

dazed and tired.

She needs to rest so the change can sweep through her body, so it can rebuild her. “Sleep now, little one, I will watch over you.”

I sweep her into my arms, cradling her to my chest as I give my back to the door, blocking her from them. She is limp, barely with it, but I watch her close her eyes with a satisfied, lazy smile on her face.

I watch her sleep, refusing to rest in case they try and take her. They would have a fight on their hands, because once a dragon claims something as his, you better expect him to keep it. Nothing or no one will take away Nyre’s mate, and let’s just say the little human is growing on me too.


I wake warm again. Flipping over, my hands land on a hard...purring chest? I look up to see Nyre looking out of Mishal’s eyes, his body wrapped around mine, protecting me while I slept. I can still taste his blood in my mouth but that need, that burning, that hunger, seems sated. I still swallow it down, almost moaning at the taste, but I know I’ve satisfied whatever came over me.

Nightwalker. I have fangs and drink blood. I can put two and two together. I’m a fucking vampire, can’t say I expected that. It’s like surprise bitch, you’re a fanger now. Well, technically I guess I was never really human if what Mishal said is true, this side of me was always there, buried and waiting to be let free.

I flex my body, feeling the strength in my muscles. My eyesight is better, I can spot the pounding of his vein in his neck and each individual hair in his beard. My hearing too. I can hear the deep inhale of his breathing, the wind outside this room, and footsteps very faintly and obviously far away.

I wonder what else I’ll get from drinking blood...the thought should creep me out, but with Mishal’s taste in my mouth and spotting the two fang marks on his neck, I can’t help but feel anything but pleasure. I like my mark on him, primal and strange but true, but I figured it would heal. The cut on his chest made by Nyre has.

“Why is the cut healed but not my bite marks?” I ask softly, tracing along his chest where the bite mark was.

“Mine.” His voice is gravelly and deep, almost distant, and I know I’m talking to Nyre only. “Only mine’s marks will stay, it’s a way of showing ownership,” he finishes. Ownership? Mine? What does that even mean?

I ask as much, but he ignores me, just staring at me with those golden green eyes. He reaches out and lifts a strand of my blonde hair away from my face, playing with it as if hypnotized.

My body suddenly reminds me it still has needs. I wiggle around to be let go but he refuses, and I end up on top of him again. “Nyreee,” I moan. “I need to pee, please, will you let me go?” I flutter my lashes and he grunts, unwrapping his arms from around me.

I quickly hop to my feet, grimacing as I stare at the hole in the ground, which is obviously the toilet. I tiptoe over, wincing at the sight, but my bladder tells me it’s either the hole or the floor. I turn around, my hands going to my dress, and squeak as I look up in Nyre’s eyes. He is close, so close we are almost touching.

“Erm, a little bit of privacy please?” I request. He steps back but keeps looking, and I hop from foot to foot, really needing to pee. “Nyre, please turn around so I can pee,” I beg.

He throws me a narrow-eyed look before turning around, showing me his back. Quickly pulling down my panties, not even wanting to think about the fact they obviously dressed me, I pee as fast as I can. I know he can hear it but honestly, I don’t really care. I have to shake dry before pulling up my panties.

“Okay,” I say, moving away from the hole. He turns instantly, grabbing me in his arms and laying us back down so we are on our sides, facing each other.

“Nyre,” I laugh, and he rumbles.

I find myself stroking his cheek and he closes his eyes, leaning into my palm. I guess I can’t really have many boundaries with either him or Mishal since I rode him to release and Copyright 2016 - 2024