Pretty Boy (Perfect Boys #1) - K.M. Neuhold Page 0,80

us. I turn to see Kiernan devouring Em with his eyes.

Em blushes deep red. “T-t-t-t-thanks.”

“The place looks great,” Alden says, approaching at the same time that Nolan appears.

“And we got it done with half the budget we normally use,” Nolan announces.

“How’d we manage that?” Kiernan’s eyebrows go up.

“Sterling didn’t demand things be expensive just for the sake of spending money,” he answers blandly, shooting me a look that clearly says can you believe these guys. I chuckle into my hand. “Dinner will be served in ten minutes, if you want to get ready for your speech.”

“Not me.” Barrett shakes his head and then looks at me.

“What?” I shake my head quickly. “I can’t give a speech,” I argue, my face heating up at the thought of it.

“Of course you can. This project is yours, and everyone is here because they believe in it too. Just speak from the heart, and I’ll be right here when you’re done.”

Dang if the way he looks at me doesn’t make me feel like I’m invincible. He kisses my forehead and gives me a playful swat on the butt when I turn to walk up onto the small stage.

Gosh, it looks like a lot more people when you’re looking out at them like this. I glance over and find Barrett looking at me with so much love, it’s still hard to believe it’s real sometimes. What made him pluck me up and make me his, I’ll never know, but I finally feel worthy of it. He loves me, and I love him back just the same. Forever.

“Hi,” I say awkwardly, wincing when the microphone makes a high-pitched noise. “I…uh, I want to thank y’all for comin’ out tonight to support a good cause. Kids in rural areas need these books so bad, and I just know they’re gonna be so thrilled. I woulda been over the moon to have books comin’ to my house like this. So, thanks again and um…enjoy the evenin’.”

I hurry off the stage and back into Daddy’s waiting arms.

The six of us take a seat at our table and enjoy the dinner that’s served. Too bad we skipped dinner last time ‘cause this food is good.


I’m so full of pride for my boy, I could almost burst. His head is held high through all the glad handing and dinner. He keeps shooting me smiles and reaching for my hand under the table like he needs me, but he doesn’t, not really. And that’s okay, as long as he wants me the same way I want him—Forever.

Dinner concludes, and the musical entertainment starts playing louder now, making the move from background music to something to dance to if any of the donors are so inclined.

“Dance with me,” I say, grabbing Sterling’s hand and pulling him to his feet.

“I ain’t no good at dancing,” he warns, following me toward the open space in front of the stage where the band is playing.

I pull him into my arms and start to sway. “That’s okay, because the secret to dancing is finding the right partner,” I tell him wisely, one hand on his waist and the other holding onto his hand to guide his movements. “If you find someone who knows how to lead, who you can let go and trust, then dancing is the easiest thing in the world.” I dip him playfully, falling in love all over again with the sound of his laughter. When I pull him back up, I hold him even closer, our bodies pressed together now. “My God, do I love you, Pretty Boy.” I sigh, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

He rests his head against my chest, making a happy sound of his own. “I love you too, Daddy. More than I even have the words for.”

From across the room, I spot Rhett, here with another date, as usual. Sterling spots him too, and to my surprise, he smiles and waves. It’s such an out of character, passive aggressive move by my boy that I can’t help but laugh.

By the end of the night, we have more than enough donations for the start-up cost required, and I have no doubt in my mind it’s all down to the effort Sterling put in and the passion he has for this project.

“I know it’s silly, but part of me feels like these books might change some kid’s life,” he says when we climb into the car a few hours later.

I loosen my bowtie and pull my boy Copyright 2016 - 2024