Pretty Boy (Perfect Boys #1) - K.M. Neuhold Page 0,59

song. I could make him breakfast in bed and then keep him hostage here all day. As soon as the idea takes hold, I reach for my phone to tell Gannon to cancel my day. None of it is going anywhere. I can tackle it tomorrow.

After having rolled over, Sterling seems to be soundly asleep again, which gives me plenty of time to get up and take a quick shower, then hopefully make breakfast and get back in here before he’s awake.

Unfortunately, my plan doesn’t quite work out.

I’m out of the shower, doing a quick shave of my back in front of the mirror when the door creaks open and a sleep mussed Sterling peeks inside.

“Hey there, Pretty Boy, perfect timing.” I wave him in. “I could use a little help with the spots I can’t reach.”

“You shave your back?” he asks, his sleepy confusion more than a little charming as he rubs his eyes and yawns.

“It bothers me. I don’t mind the rest of the hair on my body, but it’s irritating on my back,” I explain.

He steps inside and takes the razor I’m holding in my outstretched hand.

“Your hair is sexy,” he says, picking a spot and carefully dragging the razor along it.

“You’re sexy,” I counter, grinning as I watch his cheeks pink through the mirror. He doesn’t argue with me, but I can tell he’s thinking about it, a hint of defiance flashing in his eyes, warring with the softness brought about by my words. I’ve made it my mission to compliment him as often as possible, and I think he’s slowly learning to like it.

A comfortable silence falls between us while he works. I watch with amusement at the way his forehead wrinkles with concentration, his tongue sticking out between his teeth like he’s performing surgery rather than doing the mundane task of removing hair from my back.

An unexpected grin spreads over his lips as he works, a giggle bubbling from him and seeming to surprise both of us. The sound is so nakedly joyful that it hits me straight in my heart, warming every inch of my insides.


I never thought it would feel so intimate to shave another man, but it does. That feeling turned into such a giddy one that I playfully left a little “S” shaped patch of hair right above his right butt cheek and giggled to myself.

“What’s so funny?” he asks. I look up and find Barrett watching me through the mirror.

“Nothin’,” I lie, considering any other places I could leave my initials shaved. Glancing over his shoulder, I catch his eye in the mirror again and another giggle escapes my lips without my meaning for it to. Something about Barrett just makes me feel so light, I can’t help it. He smiles back at me, something warm dancing in his eyes that I let myself pretend is love. It can’t hurt to pretend for just a minute, right?

“Did you sleep well?” he asks, and I nod.

“Real good,” I answer. While I continue to work, I remember the idea Em and I had the other night when he was over. “I had an idea I wanted to talk with you about.”


“See, Em and I got to talkin’ about how I ain’t had too many books growing up and all, and I thought maybe there’s something we could do to help kids like me.”

Barrett’s eyebrows go up. “Interesting. Do you have a specific idea already?”

I nod, continuing to carefully drag the razor down his back. “Mobile libraries. They’re cheaper than a whole building and they can cover a whole county in a lotta cases. Imagine sittin’ in the front yard, bored as all get out over the summer, and ya hear the bookmobile music playin’. It’s like an ice cream truck, only better ‘cause it’s books.” I start to feel giddy again as I explain the idea to him.

I rinse off the razor and peek into the mirror again to see that same dang look in his eyes that keeps making my heart feel all fluttery. He better be careful or I might just convince myself he’s in love with me after all.

“I think that’s an incredible idea,” Barrett says.

“You do?”

“I do,” he assures me with a chuckle. “Tell you what, let’s work on a proposal together and then I’ll schedule a meeting so you can formally pitch it, and we can start making a funding plan.”

“You want me to do it?” I figured I’d tell him my idea and if he Copyright 2016 - 2024