Pretty Boy (Perfect Boys #1) - K.M. Neuhold Page 0,24

hotel room together. I know I’m a bit slow that it took me so long to realize the second one, but the imposing sight of a king-size bed is a jolt to the system.

Barrett sits down on the edge of the bed and removes his shoes while I continue to stare at it, my insides squirming with nervous anticipation. I invited him in last night, and he said I needed to make my decision first. Well, here we are, decision made and a whole night together in a fancy hotel room ahead of us. Heck, not just one whole night. I’m guessing he didn’t invite me all the way to his house in Las Vegas just to stick me in a guest bedroom anyhow.

“Come sit here, little rabbit,” he says, patting the edge of the bed. I do as he asks, shuffling forward and sitting down. “Tell me what’s making you nervous. Are you worried I’m going to do something you aren’t ready for?”

I think about the question and shake my head. “No, Daddy,” I answer easily. I think any man who would turn down an invitation to come inside last night is a man who will listen if I ask him to slow down.

“What then?” he asks.

“What if I don’t know what to do? And I’m not sure how I should act…” I trail off, nibbling on my bottom lip as I turn my head to look at the massive bed. When I look back, Barrett’s grinning at me.

“I planned on sitting down when we got home to talk about our relationship, but why don’t we start slow right now,” he suggests. “I’m going to tell you what I expect from you tonight. All you have to do to be a good boy is listen, understand?”

His voice holds that edge of authority that my dick is already learning to love, perking up as I hang on his words. I bobble my head up and down. “Yes, Daddy.”

“First, I want you to take off your shoes and get comfortable. I’m going to place an order for dinner and after we eat, I’m going to draw you a bath. You have one decision to make and that’s whether you want to take that bath alone.” My heart starts beating faster, my cock getting even harder at the thought of squeezing into a bathtub with his big, wet, naked body. I open my mouth to answer, but he cuts me off with a look. “Think about it. I don’t want you to decide yet. The other thing I need from you is a safeword. It’s a word you’ll use anytime you want anything to stop or need to pause things and talk.”

My eyes go wide. I read about safewords, and if Barrett says I need one for tonight, then he must have something intense planned. Will he spank me? Is he into anything rougher than that? Again, he must see the nerves on my face, because he draws my attention with a soft kiss against my lips.

“A safeword can be for anything, not just scenes or sex,” he explains like he can read my mind. “And I want to be perfectly clear: you can use it at any time. If we’re having sex and you’re in an uncomfortable position, you can safeword. If we’re playing with ropes and you need to pee, you can safeword. If I’m giving you rules or explaining a punishment and you think they’re unfair, you can safeword, and we’ll discuss things. Tell me you understand.”

I consider it for a few seconds, and what he’s saying makes a heck of a lotta sense. “I understand, Daddy.”

“Good boy,” I praise. “Now, what do you want your safeword to be?”

It’s something I already thought about when I was doing my research this morning, so I have an answer all set to go. “Longhorn.”

Barrett chuckles. “Longhorn it is.”


As promised, I order us a lavish dinner to be delivered to our room. The rooftop restaurant is supposed to have an incredible view, but, selfishly, I want Sterling all to myself tonight.

When I called to make the reservation on our way out of town earlier, I made sure to get a room with a large tub, in case Sterling opted to share it. I’m more than happy to take things slow for my nervous little rabbit, but I can’t deny that the idea of holding his slippery body close in the tub, using my hands to massage his shoulders and maybe tease him Copyright 2016 - 2024