Pretty Boy (Perfect Boys #1) - K.M. Neuhold Page 0,18


Heat rushes through my body like a wildfire, and I lean forward without even meaning to. “Spankings?”


That got his attention.

“Yes,” I answer, leaning forward to match Sterling’s body language. “For pleasure or for punishment, depending on the circumstances.”

“Punishment?” he repeats, his tongue darting out to wet his lips, his meal all but forgotten.

“Oh yes. I can’t very well take care of a boy without giving him rules. And what good are rules if there are no punishments for breaking them?” I explain, watching with satisfaction as his pupils dilate and his cheeks turn rosy. Is his cock hard thinking about my hand reddening his ass? Mine certainly is.

“What kinds of rules?” he asks.

“Again, it depends on the boy. It’s something we could discuss, assuming you’re interested in this sort of arrangement?”

He sits back, dropping his attention to his plate, but not taking another bite of food. “It sounds…” he trails off, squirming in his seat. I wait for him to finish the sentence until it becomes clear he’s going to need a little more help.

“How about this, you take some time to think about it. If you decide you’re still interested in coming home with me, then we can start slowly. I want you to do some research of your own. And, most importantly, I want you to understand that in a dynamic like I’m describing, I might be your Daddy, but you’d be the one truly in charge.”

He cocks his head, trying to understand what I’m saying. I don’t blame him. It’s what most people miss about any type of dominant/submissive relationship. “How?” he asks.

“I told you: I’m a caretaker, Pretty Boy. Nothing turns me on or makes me happier than knowing my boy is well cared for and happy. This is all about what you want and need. And you’ll have a safeword, of course, so even if we decide to play a little rough, you’ll still always know you can make it stop at any time.”

A shiver runs through him, his breathing getting faster as he shifts in his seat again.

“Think about it,” I say again, and he nods.

“Okay,” he agrees, sounding a touch breathless, a fresh blush coloring his cheeks before he drops his eyes. I’m dying to know what’s running through his mind right now. If he was my boy, I’d press him to tell me. Maybe a small taste of what it means to belong to me will help in making his decision.

“Be a good boy and tell me what you’re thinking right now.” I let my voice drop into that deep, commanding tenor that never fails to trip submissive tenancies. He reacts exactly how I hoped, blushing and breathing a little heavier, a relaxed expression washing over his face because I’ve told him exactly what he has to do to be my good boy, and he’s probably been desperate for that longer than he realizes.

“I was thinkin’ about…” he pauses to wet his lips, fidgeting with his silverware and then meeting my eyes. “How it would feel to walk around with a sore backside after a spanking, just the two of us knowing about it.”

My cock jerks, and I catch myself leaning forward. “That’s just the start of the ways I’ll make you mine, Pretty Boy,” I promise him. This time he barely winces at the pet name, and I count that as a win. I can only guess at the bad association, but I’m making it my mission to help him reclaim it and erase all of the scars caused by thoughtless, cruel people in his life.

I think I’ve given him enough to think about for one night, so I steer the conversation back into more banal topics for the rest of dinner. Sterling devours everything on his plate with enthusiasm.

“This is so good. The only fish I ever had before was fried,” he says with a chuckle. “Maybe if I’d learned to fish and cook it myself, I coulda been eating somethin’ this good all along.”

“You’d have had a hell of a time catching ahi around here,” I tease, and he chuckles. The sound is so light and airy, it fills me up inside.

“Fair enough, but I coulda caught a catfish. Though, I s’pose that’d be best fried anyhow.”

I make a mental note that if he decides to take me up on my offer and leave with me, I’ll take him fishing on the boat I keep docked in Florida sometime.

When dinner is finished, I lead him back to the car Copyright 2016 - 2024