Praefatio A Novel - By Georgia McBride Page 0,99

and a half minutes. Super Virtue. I don’t know if we would have made it without him, since I had obviously been wrong in my original assessment of the number of Seekers.

That vampire chick had a chip on her shoulder and was determined to take it out on me. “Pick on someone your own size” and “never hit a girl” did not apply here. She ate humans. Well, their blood. She sucker punched me in the eye in front of my boyfriend and smiled. Unacceptable. I hadn’t hit her back—yet. I dismounted Ambry, landing quite gracefully on my feet, keeping my eyes trained on Vampire Chick.

As we circled one another, deciding how we were going to end our little standoff, we were joined by Vampire Boy, who stood slightly behind her, towering over her with his more than six-foot frame and surprisingly young appearance. And then I got why they were there. Tyler must have assumed the human girl would have a problem taking on vampire kids.

Everything okay, Grace? Gavin asked me telepathically, fearing the same thing.

Good, thanks. How are we looking otherwise? I asked, trying to sound completely in control.

Two demons at large, Fallen at the gate as we suspected. Last two vampires standing before you, Gavin replied with a smile in his tone.

“Why are you here?”

“Same as you,” said the boy vampire as the girl elbowed him in the ribs and rolled her eyes at me. She glided across the space between us, and I caught her neck with my left hand as I held my knife to her heart with the right. A gasp fell from her full, ruby-red lips. Her friend tried to rush me, and I threw her into him with such force that it knocked them both to the ground like dominoes.

“I’m going to save your life today because it’s obvious that you don’t have a clue. If you make me live to regret that decision, I will come after you. Do you understand?” I said in my best movie hero voice. I was pumped. Stone was right; it was fun.

“If they want you dead, they’ll kill you. We’re dead already.” The girl sighed as she unwittingly foretold her future and made a pun at the same time.

“I’d be happy to put you out of your misery now if you like,” I offered, feeling quite confident as I spread my wings and luminosity shone from me.

“Who are you?” the boy vampire asked, his eyes wide with fear and amazement.

“I’m Archangel Grace Ann Miller.”


Closer to the Edge

So It Shall be Done

When we arrived at the huge, iron gate, there was a man with the most welcoming smile. Holy cow. It was Mr. Johnson from our street. The one Mom had called The Mayor. I was happy and confused at once. I hugged him anyway. It was good to see a familiar face.

Above us, dark clouds rolled by, and it looked as if the sky was going to open any minute and pour for days.

“Hi, Grace. Makes sense now, huh? Why Vivienne wanted me to watch out for you when you were a child? I’m high priest of Nod!” He hugged me, something angels didn’t really get into. Mr. Johnson released me and said, “The others are waiting for you inside. Come quickly, now. We have had unwelcome visitors all day.” He motioned at the dark clouds overhead, then waved us on as he rubbed ghost-white sideburns that extended down his cheeks.

He darted his clouded blue eyes left and right. As I followed his intense gaze, I could make out the red and yellow eyes of demons, but I was not afraid. We entered the protective gate, and it closed quickly behind us with a loud, reassuring clang.

Caius came running up to me, screaming, “Grace!” I was surprised by the human-like display of emotion and affection as he hugged me. LJ seemed more interested in Stone—her gaze moved past me to him immediately.

We continued on foot, walking the horses, and the people of Nod seemed oblivious to us. It wasn’t anything like I expected; I hadn’t had much time to look around last time I was here. Lights and wreaths were being hung, and as I passed them, it hit me. It was Christmas Eve. I had been so wrapped up in everything that was happening that I had forgotten about my very favorite holiday.

“Mr. Johnson, has Remi arrived? Is he OK?”

He considered my questions for longer than I thought necessary. They were yes or Copyright 2016 - 2024