Praefatio A Novel - By Georgia McBride Page 0,93

amazing. He bowed slightly, extended liquid wings spanning about twelve feet, and shook tiny water droplets from his body.

We all smiled politely as he spoke in the most soothing voice. “This is way different than I imagined. No wonder Virtues never come here. I’m Stone.”

As we stared from one to another, his clearish face began to take shape, with eyes set in sea-foam green. Stone flipped his wet water hair to one side.

“So, I’m not going to Saturn? High Priestess Tia has sent you here instead?” I now regret sounding so shocked, but at the time I didn’t know what he was capable of.

“Sorry to disappoint, but a human would never survive such a trip, even if she is part angel.”


“I’m LJ.” Olivia stepped forward and offered the boy her hand.

He recoiled, squinting in my direction.

“It’s okay. She’s one of us.”

Stone looked past LJ. “Virtues do not recognize Fallens. And if Tia had known you were working with them, embracing them, I wouldn’t be here. So, if we’re going to make this work, you’re gonna have to ditch the Fallen.”

LJ cleared her throat.

“LJ, why don’t you just meet us there. I’ll work on cluing Stone in to how things are done here.”

LJ hopped atop her horse, which sported a newly braided mane of purple and blue, and rode off, taking her frustrations out on the poor thing.

“Is she serious?” Stone’s voice was high.

“She’s harmless, so be nice to her. Here on earth, we watch one another’s backs, Fallen or not.”

“Well, clearly you don’t need me. I guess I’ll be going, then.”

I couldn’t let him leave. It was my chance to help Remi and Jenny and their baby. “Wait. No. She’s leaving. But listen, Gavin and LJ are on our side.”

The clear water boy looked at me with sad eyes. “You don’t need them anymore. They are Fallen for a reason, Grace. They can’t be trusted. Even if they wanted to support you, they can’t. Their nature demands that they betray you. Why do you think Michael did this? Do you know what he must have given up to get this arrangement? No Virtue has ever left Saturn. Ever.”

Unease grew inside me. It felt like I was given a choice between excellence and the impossible. “Well, I trust them. And Gavin is on his way, so I hope you get over your issues before he gets here.”

Stone made a sour face. “I’ll do whatever you say.”

“Good, then you can start by apologizing to LJ when we get to Nod.” A sneaky smile crept across my face.

Gavin snuck up behind me, scooped me into a hug, then planted several soft kisses over my face, nose, and chin. Then he stopped and smiled a smug smile in Stone’s direction. “If I live to be a million and five. A Virtue, here amongst the heathens.”

Stone looked as if he could have punched Gavin. Clearly, Virtues had a great deal of restraint.

Let’s Ride

Stone flew overhead as Gavin and I rode Zion and Ambry toward Nod.

“How long will it take us to reach Nod?” I asked Gavin, knowing he had made this trip before. We were only a few miles out from where Stone had appeared in the road.

“About another three hours or so if we keep the current speed. Two if we ditch the water boy and gun it,” he said, trying to hide a smile as he kept his eyes focused straight ahead.

As I watched his profile, I searched his mind for thoughts of me, but there were none. I decided to stay focused on the visions in my own mind. They were coming faster now. One after the other, information flooding my mind.

A piece of clothing I recognized, my favorite jacket, the white bubble jacket with the faux fur collar that Gabe had given me two Christmases ago. Someone was in my room at Kheiron. The lights were off and they were looking for … no—they took it. What is that? A picture of me sleeping. I don’t remember taking that picture. Giggling. Sounds like Emeria. There’s a shadow in the corner. Wait. The police station. What’s Tyler doing at the police station? Wait. No.

“Gavin,” I mumbled aloud as I heard Tyler say his name. He handed Sergeant Mullane my jacket and the photo of me sleeping. What the heck is he doing?

“Grace, what’s wrong? What do you see?” Gavin asked as he rode Zion in front of Ambry, forcing Ambry to come to a stop. He removed me from Ambry and held Copyright 2016 - 2024