Praefatio A Novel - By Georgia McBride Page 0,82

“It looks like Remi and Jenny were in the car. But so far we’ve not found their bodies.”

“Grace, come with me now.” Gavin’s voice was soft in my ear, but the urgency was definite, imperative.

I whispered even though I knew humans couldn’t hear me. “What? Gavin. What’s going on?” I turned, surprised to see him there. Tears filled my eyes when I turned back to see Mrs. Larson collapse into a ball of sadness. Gavin took my hand and started to pull me backward out of the house. I couldn’t move of my own accord.

“I didn’t want you to find out like this.” Gavin rushed me out of the house, scaring me with his urgency. It reminded me of that time when Remi and I ran from those evil things. Reluctantly, I opened my wings and took flight with Gavin. He said nothing more, but he didn’t have to. I knew there was something wrong with Remi.

About one hundred fifty thousand feet up, we reached Arcturus. He was flanked by two angels in black metal battle gear with “take another step and we’ll kill you” looks on their faces. They were beautifully intimidating with swords slung over their shoulders and at their waists and ankles. One had a wicked-looking crossbow at the ready and a few guns on his waist.

“Arcturus? What’s happened to Remi and Jenny?” I called to him. Gavin squeezed my hand in his as we stopped directly in front of the three boys.

“That’s far enough, Fallen. Arcturus can take it from here.” The redhead’s voice was commanding and unbelievably threatening for someone who looked to be no more than fourteen. He motioned for Gavin to stop, pulled a sword from his back, and held it firmly in case Gavin disobeyed. The other one continued aiming his crossbow at Gavin’s chest.

“What’s going on? Who are you? What’s happened to Remi and Jenny?” I demanded. As quickly as the words escaped my mouth, the answers became clear, at least one of them. It was the end of the line for Gavin. He could go no farther.

“Grace, we don’t have time for this. Michael’s waiting for you.” Arcturus nodded toward Gavin as he said “this.”

Gavin shot Arcturus a look. Arcturus returned his stare with a fierceness that scared me—and perhaps Gavin. Gavin took a step back, then lowered his gaze and wings slightly.

“Go. I’ll be here when you get back. And tell your … tell Michael that I’d like a word with him, please. That I would appreciate the granting of an audience with him.” Gavin kissed my cheek and let go of my hand.

I stared after him, wondering what all the secrecy was about. When he pulled away, he seemed embarrassed. Then Arcturus and I started upward without looking back.

Gavin opened his mind to me as I flew.

Soon, you’ll be too high up for us to communicate. I want you to hear this from me. Jennifer Larson is pregnant.

I nearly fell out of the sky. My human ears started ringing, and dizziness swirled around me, teasing and daring me to continue my ascent so it could slap me out of the sky.

Remi! What did you do? What did you do! I wasn’t sure I’d heard Gavin right, or better yet, that I wanted to hear any more. The dizziness caused me to take an unexpected dive before I managed to level off.

Everything I had ever eaten since birth was about to leave my body. I was sure of it. My toes tingled. Pure fire gurgled inside my stomach. My wings felt low, heavy with condemnation.

“You okay, Grace? You don’t look well.” Arcturus circled me, awaiting a response. I waved him away, nodding to assure him, then found strength and flew ahead of him. I had to help Remi. He was always there for me. There had to be a way to stop him from Falling.

Grace, Remi has not Fallen … yet. He should have Fallen immediately. This happened a little more than three weeks ago. Jenny may not even know that she’s pregnant. Even still, Jenny will deliver in a few days. And when that happens, all hell will break lose.

I was a volcano threatening to erupt. My life as an angel just kept getting worse and worse. I wanted to fall apart there in the clouds. But I couldn’t. I needed to focus, to figure out how to fix this.

Poor Jenny Larson. Her parents had sheltered her from so much. She probably found out about sex on the Copyright 2016 - 2024