Praefatio A Novel - By Georgia McBride Page 0,45

The dust particles seemed like little energy pods, alive with intent. I was disappointed to find myself back in the hospital. I started to doubt I’d ever leave.

When I opened my eyes, there were at least thirty angels lined up against the walls of my hospital room, wings tucked behind them, forming a heart shape. I looked, but didn’t see Gavin.

There were tall ones, shorts ones, skinny and fat ones—something that took me by complete surprise. Angels were more human-like than I would have guessed. But what surprised me the most were the kids. The two in front seemed especially anxious. One held something behind his back, but I could hardly keep my eyes open, let alone figure out what he held.

“Well, Miss Miller, looks like you are getting sprung early for good behavior.” Nurse Cipher almost sang the news when she entered the room.

I should have been thrilled to hear it, though if she had been reading my mind she would have known I wasn’t. That hospital was the only place where things made any sense. I could talk to Mom or Gavin, and they would answer. I saw Dad there, and Remi. I felt like part of a real family, not a useless orphan living with the Larsons. “Oh. Great.”

“Your family’s outside in the hallway. All you have to do is get dressed and you’ll be on your way,” she added with a hint of self-satisfaction. She turned and smiled at the other angels.

So I didn’t dream them.

“My family,” I echoed. I had no idea who she could possibly be referring to. Remi? Mom? The Larsons?

As if reading my mind, she turned her attention back to me and smiled. “Yes, your family,” she added with a wink, then scribbled something on my chart. She turned on her heel and left the room, leaving the door as wide open as my mouth must have been.

Remi blew through the doorway with his usual exuberance, but said nothing. Mr. and Mrs. Larson followed, stranger than normal expressions on their faces. Remi wore the same aloof expression he always wore, and a slight smile that made him even more handsome, if such a thing was possible. My heart was instantly full. Love, adoration, and something I was not prepared for: caution, filled me. No, cautious concern. He briefly acknowledged the presence of the angels. When he did, they collectively took a step back. The young one placed a hand on his side. I didn’t understand; the only thing there was a sword.

“Where’s Jenny?” I tried to hide the nervousness in my voice.

“Poor thing. She hasn’t been herself since that Venus of the Earth concert,” Mr. Larson stated with a worried expression.

“She’s been exhausted, in bed with chills and fever. She won’t eat, and we have to force her to drink. I hope she doesn’t have mono,” added Mrs. Larson, a cloud of worry shadowing her normally cheerful façade.

Remi looked at the floor as if he wanted it to swallow him.


Hello and Goodbye

Meanwhile, Back at the Larsons’ …

“I promise, I’m fine. Just really tired and want to lie down. Please don’t make a fuss. Really.” I tried to convince Mrs. and Mr. Larson as they eyed me with what I could only guess was suspicion. Kissing both their cheeks, then offering the sweetest smile possible, I took the stairs two at a time before remembering I was supposed to be worn out.

When I reached the top, I stopped. I heard shuffling from my room, talking, and felt the presence of something, or someone. I was certain they could hear my heart pounding as I inched along the wall as quietly as I could. It didn’t help that Remi was holed up at Jenny’s bedside, and I would have to knock on her door and draw attention to myself in order to ask for his help. Then again, it wasn’t likely that Remi was going to help me or even listen to a telepathic plea. Especially not after what happened with Gavin in the clearing.

I stood in the hallway, trying to distinguish the sounds coming from my room. My heart thumped loudly as something hit the door with a thud. I held my breath so it wouldn’t hear me and quietly reached into my messenger bag for the greasy eyeballs. I figured I could throw them at whatever was in my room. Something banged against the door, only louder this time, and I unintentionally let out a shriek. I covered my mouth with Copyright 2016 - 2024