Praefatio A Novel - By Georgia McBride Page 0,112

ever will after hearing what happened next. “Is Gavin here?” I did my best to remain calm, appear unaffected, as I steadied Lucifer in my arms.

“Piggy back?” he asked in a voice I could not resist. I probably would have given him daggers to juggle had he asked.

I hoisted him onto my back as if it were the most natural thing in the world, and using his mind, he led me through the orgy of bodies strewn across the grass, and past three dead trees and up a pathway leading to the only house for miles around.

We entered the large, ornate Mediterranean-style house.

“Oh, the boys are around here somewhere. Shall I summon them for you? You will not be able to communicate with Gavin, or anyone for that matter, down here. Did he not explain this to you?” he offered as he tightened his grip around my neck.

The boys? I kept cool. “I was asking because I was kind of surprised to hear that Gavin had a father, considering how angels are born and all. I mean, his mother, their mother, she must be human or Fallen right? I mean, how come no one speaks of her?”

“My son does like his secrets,” he snarled, flipping his ringlets behind my back. “In the meantime, let’s discuss business,” he said as he jumped down.

“Business?” I asked, dumbfounded. By the time he was in front of me, he had aged to around twenty-five and was drop-dead gorgeous—like, hot gorgeous. So much for staying one step ahead. Lucifer 1, Grace 0.

“What are your intentions toward my sons?” he asked plainly, ignoring the affect his change had on me. I really had tried to close my mouth.

“I’m not sure I understand,” I managed, searching his face for answers. His grownup hair was wavy with a hint of the former ringlets, though still golden blond.

“Gavin is a fool. But you know this already, since he did go after your twin sister.” Light danced behind his eyes. My stomach soured. “He is willing to give up his birthright to be with you, and Tyler is too blinded by hatred and jealousy to think straight. He’s so busy trying to one-up his brother, he can’t focus on what’s most important, getting rid of the real threat and taking back our rightful place; no offense, of course. But now that your brother is one of us, maybe things will change.” He smiled the sweetest smile ever.


He stopped me with a wave of his hand before I could finish. I began to swallow my own tongue and watched as Lucifer orchestrated it with the movement of his index finger. Sounds of my own choking echoed in my ears. I grabbed at the air, hoping to find someone to help me. But Lucifer just talked at me, ignoring the fact that I was going to die. I sank to my knees.

“I can be very reasonable when it comes to business, and even more so when it comes to my sons. Michael has given his blessing for the two of you to marry. Yes. He came to me. It’s the least he could do since Gavin nearly died asking for his permission. Silly human tradition, but Gavin thought you would appreciate it.” He paused, letting that one sink in. “I rather fail to see the point since your marriage does nothing to change things. I will have my throne in the heavens; I will take even more angels for my army, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me—not you or your sorry father. My collection of new soldiers has already begun to grow. Lex is doing a fine job, don’t you think?” Lucifer lowered his hand.

Suddenly, my choking fit was over. My breathing was still erratic, but my mind was reeling. Lex was enslaving angels under Lucifer’s command. How could Dad think I could stop it? And Gavin? Wants to marry me?

Darkness passed over Lucifer’s face, threatening to ruin the small bit of happiness that welled inside me at the thought of Gavin wanting to ask for my hand in marriage.

“I will agree to this … so-called marriage. But I am warning you, angel.” He paused, and I swear I saw smoke behind his eyes. “You are not to give birth to a child. I will not condone the birth of such a being. I will not tolerate the proliferation of a new race of angels. Disregard my request, and I will retaliate. Neither you, nor Gavin, nor that Copyright 2016 - 2024