Praefatio A Novel - By Georgia McBride Page 0,108

I no longer had to worry about Emeria’s designs on Gavin. She would be living with the Larsons and betrothed to Remi. Everyone won.

Remi slumped in the corner, awaiting Emeria. I knew that no amount of hugs, reassurance, or parting words was going to alter the state he was in. He had to come to terms with his actions, his loss, and the future he had once dreamed of for himself, Nico, and Jenny. He had to accept Emeria into his life as a blessing or a curse, and he had eternity to grapple with the what ifs.

I kissed his buzzed head as I left, letting all the love I felt for him leave my heart and escape through my lips as the kissing sound reached the air. I made a heart shape around Remi with my index and middle fingers on both hands, from his head to his feet, hoping it would be enough.


Book 1, Chapter 72

And his was the brightest of lights then, a time when nothing mattered more than the happiness of his sons and the service of his master. Adored and admired by those who knew him, he was unmatched in talent, intellect, and beauty.

But his days of glory would be short, as the time came when pride took over his being. And when his own sons would not stand with him, he felt the sting of betrayal as he was cast out and away from them forever.

Do They Know it’s Christmas?

No one spoke on the way home. The sound of hoofs on pavement echoed in the air. We took a back, windy road that seemed to twist into forever. Enormous evergreens filled with ominously quiet black birds lined the path. The normally jovial cherubs seemed pensive, almost solemn. An overwhelming sadness enveloped me, there in the silent corridor.

I alone carried the weight of Jenny’s death, Remi’s descent, and the de-winging of angels, however dark. Filled with remorse and contemplating the cost of my negotiations with Zane, the words a life for a life pushed their way into my crowded head.

LJ’s voice sliced through the thick silence. “You can’t just go around changing everything. The Order, the way things are. Maybe you’re taking things too far, Grace.”

I started to speak, then stopped. Only hours ago, LJ had seemed to be having fun kicking ass and taking numbers. It had never occurred to me that she’d been in disagreement with my decisions, despite her active participation.

“LJ.” I paused, afraid to accept that LJ had followed me into battle against her own kind, and that support now made her a target. “I realize I have taken some liberties and made some changes, but everything I’ve done has been in the best interest of all concerned, including you.” I paused again before going further, since the last part was only true indirectly.

“I get it. You’re Michael’s daughter; you’re marrying Lucifer’s son, a super special untouchable angel. But can you really go around doing whatever you want? It’s going to catch up with you. You’ve been lucky so far, but I’m not sure you will be next time. You’re pissing some really important people off. ” She brought her horse to a halt.

I did, too, and turned my full attention upon her. For the first time since I’d first laid eyes on her, LJ looked weak, afraid.

“I just want you to know that I worry about you, and by extension myself. You’ve been an angel for all of five minutes, and you’ve gone from not even knowing what Praefatio is to de-winging Fallen. That is gonna put a few people out. It’s gonna make things really hard for me, too. You think they’re gonna welcome us back to Kheiron with open arms?” LJ looked down at her blood-stained hands. “I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I got your back.” Then she said something completely unexpected. “I just hope you have mine.”

I hated that she questioned my loyalty.

Stone approached. Thank God.

“LJ, if I may have a moment alone with Grace.” Stone Aquus dismounted his horse, flipped his pixie hair, and then reached for my hand.

Ambry backed up a little. I dismounted and took Stone’s hand as Gavin and LJ’s disapproving thoughts shot in my direction like daggers.

“Fly with me,” Stone said before extending beautiful iridescent wings and pulling me up into the air with him. When we had ascended to about two thousand feet, Stone returned to his plastic-filled-with-water state. It was beautiful to watch the Copyright 2016 - 2024