Praefatio A Novel - By Georgia McBride Page 0,102

me I heard punching, blades ripping skin, heavy breathing, and grunts. Oh God. I hope they’re okay. I hope I don’t get them killed. Please don’t get killed because of me.

We raced through a door that was hidden behind the altar, then headed down what seemed like an endless flight of steps. We were at least one hundred stories underground, or more. I could no longer tell. I was getting dizzy.

Not now. This is not the time for visions.

Mr. Johnson was practically pulling me as Gavin pushed me forward from behind. My mind was a blur. I was having trouble standing up as we glided faster than I ever recall moving. I tried to push the vision from my head, but it was there, staring me in the face. It seemed to be a vision of the present.

“OOOWWWWWWW!” LJ screamed as the blade sliced through her left wing. I could feel her exact pain. I remembered when Gavin ripped that one little feather from my wing and shoved it in Remi’s mouth months ago. When a being is de-winged, when wings are cut completely from from your back, you literally become cut off from The Divine One, and you don’t feel it. But having someone slice a part of your wing off is like having someone slice your arm off. It hurts like hell!

LJ grabbed her quiver and tried to pull an arrow from it, but she was in too much pain. I was off balance; my equilibrium was jacked. I had to help LJ, but my body was being pulled down by Mr. Johnson. I broke free from both Gavin and Mr. Johnson and started to head back up as fast as I could. I was not going to let LJ get killed on my watch. I wouldn’t let her die for me. God, no. It was LJ. He was here for LJ—The Angel of Death. No.

I spoke to her mind. LJ, I’m coming. Can you hear me?

Grace. Stay where you are. It’s a trap, was the message I got back, but it was too late.

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled a sword from my back just as I reached the top of the steps. From the way he smelled, I gathered he was Fallen. I wriggled around to no avail as he succeeded in pulling me into a choke hold.

“Grace!” Gavin shouted as he reached me, horror tensing his entire body.

“I’m okay, Gavin. This Neanderthal is going to put me down, and I’m going to make a human out of him. Wanna watch?” I removed my short knives from my sides so slowly I hardly made any movement at all. The confidence came from out of nowhere. Doofus hadn’t even realized that I’d moved.

“Grace, seriously. He has your sword and your neck. Just do what he says,” Gavin advised me, unsure of how I intended to get out of my predicament.

“How about I make mere humans out of you both? They say it doesn’t hurt, losing your wings. But I’m certain I can figure out how to make it hurt,” I countered, keeping my eyes fixed on Gavin.

“Let’s not get carried away. I don’t want any trouble, angel,” Gavin conceded, bowing for effect.

“Then call off your brother and walk away,” I ordered, fully in command.

You are so hot when you give me orders and threaten to de-wing me, Gavin spoke telepathically, after opening his mind only to me.

“You two bore me. Either kill me or take my wings. I’d love to go to Eden with the rest of them, Your Highness,” the Fallen offered sarcastically, looking from me to Gavin with equal disdain.

“Sorry, buddy. No Eden for you.” I jammed my short knives into his sides, and he went down like a bowling pin behind me, releasing his hold on my neck. Darkness crept across his face. But I was not going to let him get off that easily.

“Sleep and never wake again.” I waved my hand over his eyes as they closed, and his body slumped. A slight hesitation came over me before I put my short knife through his once-angelic heart. The sound and smell were nauseating. I was surprised by how little life had been in him. I got up, flipped him on his side, cut off his wings, and placed his lifeless body flat on the ground.

I sent a telepathic APB to LJ and Stone Aquus: Whoever gets here first. Had to take down a Fallen. Burn him and make sure there’s nothing left Copyright 2016 - 2024