Powerful (The Driven World) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,9

to tell me why you’re so mad?”

“He’s an asshole.”


“Yes, Kris Livingston. He’s a self-assured asshole. An asshole who thinks he’s got you wound around his little finger.”

I take another sip of my tea and move to sit on my big, comfy armchair. I had it made, it’s dark red with overstuffed arms and envelops me when I sit in it. Tucking my feet under me, I look up at Todd, who has calmed down and sits on the sofa.

“I was unprepared for how I’d react. We never said goodbye, and he’s here, and I guess I have some unresolved feelings…” my words trail off, and I wave a hand in the air. “It was a long time ago.”

“Okay, let’s recap. The asshole, aka Kris Livingston, left you seven years ago. No phone call, no note, nothing.”

“I know that.”

“Hush. Fast forward to tonight. The asshole—”

“Please stop calling him that.”

“Nope. Now, be quiet. The asshole waltzes back into town with a girlfriend, and you fall at his feet. He says a few nice things, I miss you, Athena, etcetera, etcetera, and you forgive him,” Todd pauses then raises his voice. “For ripping out your heart and treating you like garbage! Does that sound about right?”

I’ve never known Todd to raise his voice at anyone.

I purse my lips together and nod. “Sounds about right, but you shouldn’t call him that.”

“Athena, I love you, and you’re my closest friend, but this guy, this guy treated you badly. He doesn’t deserve you. You deserve so much better than that, and the fucker nearly crushed my hand.”

“When you shook hands?”

“Yeah.” Todd flexes his hand twice. “Okay, so new plan of action. I am now your boyfriend. You are not going to be alone with the asshole at any time. You will remain strong, and if he wants you, he’s damn well going to have to earn you back. You are not something to be thrown away. You are precious.”

That one little word brings tears to my eyes. I shake my head as a tear trails down my cheek. Quickly, I brush it away.

“I’m sorry, Athena, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

“No, Todd, you’re right. H-He just made me remember what it was like to be young and in love, but I’m not seventeen anymore. I think I’ve been waiting for him to come back. Todd, you’re gay, you can’t be my boyfriend.”

Todd smiles. “No sex, no extracurricular activities, but while this guy is in town, I’m all yours.” Todd does jazz hands and flicks imaginary locks over his shoulder.

Laughing, I nod. “Okay. Will you be my plus one for the wedding?”

Todd puts both of his hands to his chest. “I thought you’d never ask! What color are you wearing?”


“Great. I get all of my pink ties together and go to your mom’s house tomorrow and make sure one of them matches.”

“How many pink ties do you have?”

“Girl, I am a proud gay man. Well, sort of. I have a multitude of colors of pink. One should match, if not, I’ll ask your mom to make me one.”

“You’re never going to get a boyfriend if you pretend to be mine.”

“One problem at a time. Right now, let’s concentrate on you.”

Chapter Seven


I’m standing outside my dad’s house. It’s ten in the morning, and if he’s not at the docks, he should be home. Sophia is waiting in the car. I didn’t want her to come. My dad and I have lots of issues, and I wanted to handle him alone. But Sophia said she’d be bored and well, a bored Sophia can be a spiteful Sophia. It was just easier to bring her along.

“Isn’t he home?” calls out Sophia.

I turn around, my hand raised in a stop gesture, and she scowls at me. Sophia is also out of the car. With a sigh, I turn back around and rap my knuckles twice on the old front door. The paint is peeling off in places and needs to be sanded down, much like the front of the house. Every summer he’d make me do the front door. Looking at it now, it looks like it did when I left, so he hasn’t done anything to it.

I’m nervous.

Turning around, I head for the street. I have the gate open when I hear the front door creak on noisy hinges. Looking over my shoulder, my old man is standing there staring back, but instead of the scowl he always wore, his face breaks into a smile.

“Kris, is that you?”

I let

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