Powerful (The Driven World) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,7

frozen mid-air putting another cob of corn on his plate as we all stare at Sophia.

Her lips turn down at the corners, but she soon smiles at my mother. “I’m so sorry to be a bother, Mrs. Boswell. Perhaps we could do this another time? Kris, of course, you can drive me back, and yes, you should definitely catch up and get all of the wedding stuff out of the way. It’s going to be a big week. Ashlea, it’s so good seeing you again and you, Todd.”

Sophia heads for the front door, and we all look at Kris. “I’ll be back. Don’t wait.”

“Kris, I’m pretty sure the motel doesn’t have a restaurant attached. What are you going to do?” I ask.

Kris scrubs a hand over his face and through his blond locks, and suddenly, he looks like the boy I fell in love with.

“I’ll figure something out.”

Kris walks out of the house, and we wait until we hear the car drive away before any of us speak.

“What a bitch,” says TB.

“Ares! You will not talk that way at your mother’s table,” says Dad.

“You told Kris he could say shit.”

“I was trying to be cool, but I am not that cool.”

I can’t help it, I burst out laughing as does everyone else.

“Wow, she’s a piece of work, isn’t she?” asks Ashlea.

“You can’t blame her. Poor dear, she does look like she hasn’t had a decent meal in a while. Kris should have told us.” That’s my mom, always the peacekeeper.

“Bet he did it on purpose, so she’d go back to the motel,” says TB.

“He wouldn’t do that.”

“Aw, here we go. Why are you defending him, Athena? The guy left you.”

“The guy left this town, and I just happened to be in it. He wanted to be an actor, you can’t do that here.”

“Whatever,” says TB with a flick of his wrist.

Todd clears his throat. “This is really good paella, Mrs. Boswell.”

Mom smiles widely at him. “Thank you, Todd. How was work today?”

And just like that, the conversation is diffused as Mom and Todd discuss the events in our small town. Mechanically, I fill my plate, grateful that Sophia and Kris have departed.

Dad leans in. “Are you okay, buttercup?”

I nod. “Yeah, Dad.”

“He looks the same, only older.” I nod, not wanting to talk about Kris. “He was a fool and look what he ended up with.”

I look up to his kind face, and Dad winks at me.

Laughing, I smile widely at him. “I love you, Dad.”

He pats my arm then looks down at his plate. “Betty, can we eat?”

Todd starts coughing. “Are we waiting?”

“Heavens no. He might not come back, let’s eat,” replies Mom.

I wink at Mom and then look at TB. “Do you realize that soon you’ll be an old married couple?”

Ashlea’s face goes all soft, and she looks at TB, a loving smile on her lips. “Yes, we will.”

“We will not be an old married couple. We will be a hot, young, married couple.”

Ashlea grabs his face and kisses him.

“All right, that’s enough, you two. I’m trying to eat,” teases Dad.

“It’s really good, Mom,” says Ashlea.

Mom’s face goes red, and her eyes become bright with tears. “I get a new daughter.”

“Aww!” says Todd with his fork paused mid-air. “That’s so sweet.”

Mom nods and looks down at her plate. She’s always been the practical one, so seeing this kind of emotional display is completely out of character.

“Mom, are you okay?” I ask.

“It’s nice having all of my kids home.”

She’s talking about Kris. I guess it never occurred to me that she’d miss him too. He was an important part of our family for years. When his mother died, he practically moved in here and slept in TB’s room.

TB looks at me and raises his eyebrows. In return, I slightly shake my head and shrug.

“How did the final fitting for your dress go?” asks Ashlea.

“Mom’s done. It looks fabulous.”

“Ashlea, she looks like an angel in it,” says Mom.

“Yes, she does,” agrees Dad. “Of course, you’ll be the shining light on the day.”

Ashlea blushes at Dad’s compliment. “I hope so.”

“Dad’s right, all eyes are going to be on you. Is everything organized?” I ask.

TB grabs Ashlea’s hand and raises it to his lips, kissing it.

She looks at him and smiles as she answers my question, “Yes, we’re all set. We just have to get to the chapel on time.”

“I’ll be there waiting.” TB kisses her lightly, a smile on his lips as he pulls away and stares into her eyes.

It’s like there’s

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