Powerful (The Driven World) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,65

the machines and my labored breathing.

A woman in a long white lab coat comes in and smiles at me. “I’m Dr. Elizabeth Young.”

“I’m Athena Boswell.”

“And you’re his fiancée?” I nod. “I was expecting Sophia Thorne.”

“They broke up.” Holding Kris’ hand, I ask, “Is he going to be all right?”

“Mr. Livingston suffered a head injury, so we’ve put him in an induced coma.”

“He’s going to be all right, isn’t he?” I ask as the tears begin to fall.

Dr. Young puts her hands in her lab pockets and purses her lips. “Only time will tell. At this point, it’s really up to him.”


It’s been two weeks.

Today they are bringing Kris out the coma. Mom, Dad, TB, Ashlea, and Mr. Livingston are here. I’ve never prayed, bargained, or wished for anything so much in my life as I have for Kris to wake up. We’re in the waiting room. I’m standing looking out the window but not really seeing what’s there. My arms are wrapped around myself as I send up another prayer for Kris.

TB puts his arm around my shoulder. “You look like shit.”

I know I do. There are dark circles under my eyes as I can’t sleep, and if I eat, it just makes me feel worse, but I don’t want TB worrying about me, so I smile at him.

“Thank you so much. You’re the picture of health and happiness. Marriage agrees with you.”

“He’s going to be okay.”

My throat closes, and I nod.

Please, God, let him be okay.

TB moves away from me, and I glance at his profile. He too looks drawn and tired. Turning around, Dr. Elizabeth Young is standing in the waiting room, eyes on me. I look at her expectantly, and she drops her eyes to the floor. Her hand goes to the stethoscope at her neck, and she looks almost defeated. I take a step toward her, and her eyes meet mine.

“He’s not waking up.”

Mr. Livingston makes a sound like a wounded animal, but I don’t understand what she means. I take a step toward her.

Dr. Young lifts her chin and says, “It’s not unusual, sometimes it can take up to a week. We need to give him time.”

“What aren’t you telling us?”

Dr. Young shakes her head. “You know everything I know. You can go in and see him now.”

She leaves, and I look at the others. Mr. Livingston has his head cupped in his hands, Mom and Dad cling to each other, and Ashlea has her arms wrapped around TB. None of us move, none of us speak. I nod my head and rock back and forth.

“Mr. Livingston, let’s go see Kris.”

“I can’t.” He draws in a ragged breath. “I don’t want my last memory of my son to be him lying in a hospital bed. I won’t.” He looks at me, his chin trembles, and his shoulders shake. “I won’t!”

Mom immediately goes to him and wraps an arm across his shoulders. “Don’t you say that, Leonard. Our boy is going to be fine. Don’t you dare think that way.” Mom lets out a strangled sob as they cling to each other.

Feeling like my feet are made of concrete, I walk into Kris’ room. Nothing has changed, the machines are all still here keeping him alive. Even though he can’t see me, I smile down at him and kiss his forehead.

“Hey, lover, it’s time for you to wake up now. We all need you to wake up.”


Three weeks.

Mr. Livingston won’t come in and see Kris, he refuses to. He sits in the waiting room with drooped shoulders and stares at his hands. Mom is the only one who can get him to talk, and I’ve noticed he won’t look at me. I think he blames me.

Gabby, Kris’ personal assistant, has been taking care of all of us. I catch her staring at me from time to time, and then she’ll look away.

Does she blame me too?

TB and Ashlea have gone back home. Both needed to get back to their jobs. I ring them every morning and night to let them know how Kris is doing. Occasionally, he’ll squeeze my hand or his fingers will move or his eyes twitch, but he’s not waking up. The doctor said it’s early days, but I’m beginning to lose hope.

Why isn’t God answering my prayers?


Four weeks.

Andy and Dottie Westin are coming to visit Kris today. It’s the early hours of the morning, and I’m in the bathroom trying to get makeup to cover the dark circles under my eyes. Staring

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