Powerful (The Driven World) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,48

out in here.” She pats my arm and goes into a cubicle.

I stumble outside to a waiting Todd. His face is red, and we both start to laugh.

“You know she thought…” I begin to say.

“Oh, yeah. My reputation is ruined,” Todd replies dramatically. “Come on, you loose woman, let’s get you back to your table.”

Chapter Twenty-One


As Sophia and I walk back into the yacht club, she stops me and smiles. Tilting my head to the side, I wait for her to say something, and when she doesn’t, I go to walk away, but she tugs on my hand. Turning back to her, Sophia cups my face and kisses me hard on the lips. Wolf whistles sound throughout the room, and I pull away from her in disgust.

Pouting, she uses her thumb to wipe off her lipstick, then leans in smiling. “I’m not feeling well. You can make my apologies to the bride and groom.” Sophia turns to walk away, then stops and looks over her shoulder at me. “Have fun with your high school sweetheart, it’ll never last.” Then she winks and walks away.

I watch her leave, shake my head, and walk toward the bridal table. Athena looks shocked, TB looks fit to be tied, and Ashlea has a vice-like grip on his arm.

Sitting down next to TB, he levels me with a furious glare. “What the fuck was that?”

“What the fuck was what?”

“You’re kissing another woman in front of my sister?”

“No, that was Sophia kissing me and trying to stir up trouble, which she’s done, going by your reaction. TB, you know me.”

Squinting his eyes, he leans in. “Yeah, I do, and I remember how you left.”

Shocked, I sit back in my chair and stare at him. Slowly, TB lowers his gaze, purses his lips, and sits back.

Flicking his eyes to Athena then back to me, he asks, “What are your intentions?”

“Fuck me, TB. What is this, the fifteenth century? My intentions?”

Leaning in again, TB nods. “Do you care for her at all?”

I lean in too, our noses almost touch, and I whisper, “Care for her?” I shake my head. “No.” TB moves back an inch. “It’s far more than that. It always has been. I’ve loved Athena since I was seventeen years old but now? Now it’s so much more.”

His eyes widen, and a grin slowly spreads across his face. I think I’ve won him over, then he scowls at me.

“And Sophia?”

“The Ice Queen by any other name means nothing to me.”

TB thumps me on the back and laughs. “About time you got your head out of your ass, and that Shakespeare shit won’t work on her or me. Now, get over there and profess your love lest she find another.”

“Thought you said that Shakespeare shit wouldn’t work?”

“Some of us have a talent, and some don’t.”

Smirking at him, I look past him to his sister, who’s doing her best to smile at the people around her while she keeps an eye on both of us. Standing, I move around the happy couple and hold out my hand to her.

Athena looks at my hand, then up at me, then back to my hand.

“Dare you,” I whisper.

Turning her head slightly, she frowns and then puts her hand in mine.

Pulling her to her feet, I smirk. “Still fearless.”

Tilting her head up, Athena says nothing and allows me to guide her to the dance floor. A slow song comes on, and I pull her into me. Athena is stiff in her movements, looks beyond me, and the smile on her face is anything but friendly.

“Tell me, Athena, are you hungry?” I whisper into her ear.

Sharply, she pulls back from me, eyes wide.

Crushing her to me, I run my chin up her neck. “For I am ravenous.”

Athena stumbles, but I hold her to me.

“Please let me go.”

Her voice sounds pained, and I immediately move away from her. Tears well in her eyes, she turns from me and stalks for the exit.

Todd comes up to me, his face a mask of fury. “What did you do?”

“To be honest, Todd, I have no idea.”

His anger melts away, and he points at her retreating back. “Well, get a move on. Go chase her. Do you know nothing of women?”

“And you do?”

Hands on his hips, he leans forward. “Well, clearly better than you.”

Scowling at him, I jog outside to find Athena moving quickly away from the club. Numerous cameras flash, and I’m left standing there wanting to go after her but not wanting to drag her into

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