Powerful (The Driven World) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,46

then he hugs TB. “Well, done, man. You did good.”

“Thanks for standing up there with me.”

Kris holds out his arm to me, I link my arm through it, and we walk out of the church to a waiting Henry who organizes where everyone should stand on the steps so he can take a group picture. There’s no time for much talk as we are whisked away by Henry to various locations. I had no idea that your face could hurt so much from smiling. Unfortunately, the press and the security guards are also with us everywhere we go, so I have no alone time with Kris.

Chapter Nineteen


Athena has never looked lovelier than she did as she entered the chapel. It was like seeing an angel walking down the aisle. With the light behind her, she looked ethereal, slowly coming to life as she walked toward us. We’ve had no time together alone as Henry takes so many photographs that it’s worse than a photoshoot for a movie.

Finally, with a grin on his face, Henry nods and looks at us. “That’s a wrap!”

“Oh, thank God,” says Athena with a laugh. “Is anyone else’s face hurting from smiling?”

“Yep,” agrees Ashlea.

Unfortunately, the press is also here, snapping away and filming us.

“Time to celebrate my bride,” announces TB as he kisses Ashlea.

Ashlea pulls away. “Time to celebrate us.”

Athena moves closer to me as she watches the happy couple, without thinking, she links her hand with mine and rests her head on my upper arm.

“Aren’t they sweet?”

“Sickly,” I reply with a laugh.

TB shakes his head at me. “Jealousy is a curse, brother.”

We all laugh and head for the car.

“How’d we do?” I ask Henry.

His face goes a little red as he fiddles with his camera. “I know I take a lot of pictures, but it’s important to get the right shot.” Henry looks back through the lens of his camera. “And you never know when that’s going to be.” He snaps a picture of Athena and me.

“Enough,” pleads Athena. “I need food and drink.”

“Me, too,” chimes in Ashlea.

“You heard my bride, she needs sustenance. Let’s wrap this up,” orders TB.


The parking lot of the yacht club is full. The whole area has been bombarded with press and film crews. Apparently, they are all still hoping I’m getting married. As I emerge from the car, many of them shout at me, but I ignore them as I help Athena out. Her hair is pulled off her face but hangs down her back in loose curls, the dress is very pink and holds her ample bust up and highlights her hourglass figure. The little makeup she has on accentuates her natural beauty, and when she smiles at me, my heart skips a beat.

I should never have left her.

My heart has always belonged to Athena.


I smile at her. “You look beautiful.”

A blush creeps up her neck, and she leans into me, her floral-scented perfume washes over me. “Thank you.”

With her arm linked through mine, we walk into the yacht club. Athena stares straight ahead, no doubt concentrating on not falling over, but I only have eyes for her. Henry is trying to take pictures around the press and looking very frustrated as he trips over someone.

The inside of the club is decorated with fairy lights, and sheer white curtains cover the walls giving it a romantic vibe. Everyone stands as we enter and claps. With Athena’s hand held in mine, we take our positions at the bride and groom’s table and wait for them to enter.

TB enters the room first and steps to one side, clapping as Ashlea enters the room. She goes red and looks down at the floor, then her smile lights up her face, and TB grabs her hand and brings it to his lips.

Holding their joined hands in the air, he shouts, “Meet Mrs. Boswell!”

The room erupts as everyone cheers, then the music starts, and TB twirls Ashlea around the dance floor.

I lean over to Athena. “I thought the dancing came later?”

She smiles and looks at her brother. “TB has always walked to the beat of his own drum. And besides, he’s been practicing with Shannon for weeks.”

“Ah, the female best friend.”

Athena giggles. “She’s told you that, too?”

Pulling her close, I kiss her lightly.

“People are watching.”

I shake my head. “No, babe, they aren’t. They’re watching the happy couple. Want to join them?”

“Oh, no. This is strictly a bride and groom moment.”

“Such as it is.”

Turning around, Sophia stands behind us, boredom plastered across her face.


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