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the one treating people like slaves. Some of the others went along because they didn't think about it. And whatever they did, this isn't the way to solve it!"

"Mr. Brunswick is going to solve it," said Portia briefly.

"Mr. Brunswick is a murderer! He is not your friend, Portia. He's the one who killed Kori Henderson, Chris and Doug's sister. He killed her because she didn't fit in with his plans. And he killed Mr. Fogle, the old principal, because he wanted to take his place. And," Cassie said, "he killed Jeffrey, Sally! Yes. He did it out of spite as far as I can see - or else to drive the witches and the outsiders farther apart. He wants us to hate each other."

"That's ridiculous," Logan said. "Why would he want that?"

"Because," Cassie said, shutting her eyes, knowing it was probably useless, "he is a witch. The bad kind. The only completely bad one I've ever met. And I think he wants us to wipe you out. Or maybe he just wants to take us somewhere else and wipe out the people there. I don't know what he wants," she said, opening her eyes, "but whatever it is, it isn't good. It isn't something that's going to make you happy."

"Oh, forget this crap. Let's get started," Jordan said.

"No, wait, I want to get something clear." Sally stood in front of Cassie, eye to eye. "You said Brunswick killed Jeffrey - but he couldn't have. He wasn't even in New Salem that night, or when the other murders were committed, either."

"Oh, he was here, he just wasn't up and around," muttered Cassie. She looked at Sally. "He didn't need to be there. He's a witch. He sent out power - dark energy - to do it. Or else maybe he took over somebody's mind and made them do it."

Like Faye, Cassie was thinking grimly. When it came right down to it, Faye could have pushed Kori down the steps to break her neck, and could have dislodged a boulder to start a rock slide on Mr. Fogle. She could even have gotten Jeffrey down to the boiler room on some pretext and then strangled him. All it would take would be sneaking up on him from behind and then somehow getting the rope around his neck. The police doctors had said one person could do it.

"What difference does it make, how?" Cassie asked tiredly. "He did it, that's all that matters.

And he did do it, Sally, I promise you. He killed Jeffrey."

Sally was staring hard into her eyes, her pugnacious face inches from Cassie's. She shook her head and turned away.

"I'm sorry," Cassie said to the back of her rusty head. "I liked Jeffrey too. I know what you think, that I was trying to steal him or something. But I wasn't. I was just - I was so excited that night at Homecoming. It was the first dance I'd ever been to when guys wanted to dance with me."

"Oh, I'm sure!" Sally snapped without turning around.

"It was. It's the truth, Sally," Cassie said passionately. "Back in California I didn't know any guys at all. I was just too shy. I don't even know why they wanted to dance with me at Homecoming. Sally . . ." She gazed at the red-haired girl's tight shoulders helplessly.

Sally turned slowly. "I guess you don't ever look in a mirror," she said, but there was less animosity in her voice.

Cassie blinked away the tears that threatened. "I do, but I don't see anything special," she said. "And I didn't want to steal Jeffrey; I was just so flattered that he asked me. It was a beautiful night, and everything seemed enchanted, and then . . ." She looked from Sally to Logan, blinking again. "You don't know how I felt when I realized he was dead. I would have done anything to catch the person who did it."

Logan took a step toward her, but Portia's voice, sharp as a wasp sting, stopped him. "She's doing it! She's using her witch powers on you, right now. Don't be stupid, Logan."

Cassie looked at her. "Portia, for God's sake . . ."

"Portia's right," Jordan said brutally. "If we listen to her, she'll trick us. She's been a liar from the start." He pulled the metal thing out of the fire.

"What is that?" Cassie asked.

"A cattle brand."

Cassie thought about that, and tried to keep her fragile grip on control. Jordan stepped in * front of her, holding the Copyright 2016 - 2024