Power Switch (Power Play #3) - Kennedy L. Mitchell Page 0,104

have him sidestep my outstretched hands. “Please, Shawn. I'll do anything.”

“I know you will.”

His patronizing tone stutters my thundering heart. Trey's chest rumbles at my back with a warning growl.

“Liquor. Now.”

The command snaps me from the zoned-out state I’d slipped into. I fight my way out of Trey's unrelenting hold. As soon as I'm unrestricted, I rush to the liquor cart tucked in the corner and gather as many of the bottles as I can in my arms before turning and heading back to the middle of the room. Depositing all the bottles along the table, I purse my lips to keep the tears at bay.


“Get it yourself, fucker.”

Ignoring Trey’s outburst, I grab a glass. I get why he’s pissed, I really do, but right now all that matters is getting the information Shawn has on Taeler. I’ll deal with the repercussions of my weak actions later.

Shawn is settled into the deep leather couch when I return with the crystal highball glass. The leather groans as he leans forward, lifting the bottle of Blanton's from the coffee table.

My teeth sink into what's left of my ring fingernail as I watch his purposefully slow movements. I hold back a pitiful squeak as he takes a savoring sip of the bourbon he just poured. The asshole knows exactly what he’s doing.

“Do you really know where she is?” I ask after he's relaxed back into the couch, looking like we're about to discuss anything other than my daughter’s life.

“You doubt me?” He arches a brow, those dark eyes never leaving mine as he takes another sip. “How do you think he knew where to find her in the first place?”

I choke back a sob. Sealing my palm over my lips, I curl forward, trying to ease the ache in my lower belly.

“What is it you want in return for this information, Whit?” T asks. “We all know you won’t give it up out of the goodness of your heart.”

Shawn dips his chin. “Most would tell you I don't have one at all.”

“I'd be inclined to agree.” T's smile turns sharp, all his teeth showing. “Tell us what you know, or I'll skin you myself.”

A bitter chill settles over the room.

“You know what I want in return,” Shawn says to me, ignoring Tank’s threat. “I give you the girl's location, and when you’re sworn in as president, you select me as vice.”

Something about his words or maybe his tone breaks through the remaining fog coating my brain, clearing my head enough for the pieces of the night and what he’s saying to seep in.

“You knew this would happen. From the very beginning, you knew.”

“I'd be a fool if I didn't.” His tone and pointed look tell me I'm the fool. “I hedged my bets two ways to ensure I'd be in my rightful role by the end of the year.”

“Meaning keeping tabs on where my most vulnerable weakness was at all time and trying to kill me with poison.” They're my words, I said them, but I still don't believe it. Shaking my head, hoping that will make everything clearer, I seal my chin to my chest. “You bastard.” Rage obliterates the guilt and shock. “You rat fucking bastard. She's a kid!” I scream.

“She's a pawn. Just like her mother.” The crystal thunks to the top of the side table. “Birmingham used you to win the White House. Don't think this move is all me. He's a shit player in these games, which is why I knew he'd need… leverage over you in some way. This didn't have to happen, you know.” He gives me his Joker-esque smile. “You could've taken the easy way out and just died.”

My mouth gapes. What am I supposed to say back to that?

“But you didn't, so here we are.”

“What about Kyle?” I blurt. “There’s no way he’s aware that you're here right now, offering to help.”

Shawn huffs into the glass now at his lips. “He's a fool too. Didn’t even think twice as to why I was offering up her location without any strings attached to the favor. He's panicking, which is deadly to everyone around him. You cornered a wounded animal, Trailer. What the fuck did you think would happen?”

“Why are you helping me?”

“Like I said, I hedged my bets, and right now you're the winning dog in this race. What will it be, Trailer Trash? Your daughter’s location for a small nomination, or sticking to your guns and hoping that pussy is bluffing?”

Sweat dots my brow

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