Power Play - Tiffany Snow Page 0,35

for foreign investments.”

Surprised, I said, “I thought you hated Parker.”

“I do, but that doesn’t blind me to the fact that he’s a genius at that shit. If anyone would be able to untangle the financial web behind these people, it’s him.”

“Then why don’t you just ask him to do it for you,” I said. “Why bother with me?”

Ryker’s face turned grim. “Because—now don’t freak out—we think Parker may be involved.”

My jaw was agape as I stared at him; then I got mad. I grabbed my purse. “I’m out of here.” I started to slide out of the booth, but Ryker latched on to my arm, yanking me back.

“I said not to freak out,” he said.

“If you think Parker’s involved in something like that, then you’re crazy,” I retorted, trying to pull away, but he easily held me.

“Just hear me out,” Ryker said, and gone was the friendly hot guy. Now he was in scary cop mode, and it intimidated me. I stilled. “How well do you know Parker? Really know him?”

“I’ve worked for him for—”

“I didn’t ask how long you’ve worked for him,” Ryker interrupted. “I asked how well you know him.”

That shut me up, because the truth was, I didn’t know Parker at all, not in the way Ryker meant. I wasn’t his confidante, wasn’t privy to his innermost thoughts or his private affairs. We had a very good working relationship and I could tell you all about his personal habits, work routine, what it meant if he wore a navy tie to work versus a red one, and the exact temperature he liked his coffee (180°F). But know him? I hadn’t until two days ago even known he’d been in the Marines.

“I don’t,” I said at last, and it hurt to admit it. It hurt to stop and think of just how much time and energy I devoted to Parker and my job only to realize that at the end of the day…we weren’t even friends. Not really.

Ryker sighed. “Listen, I know you don’t want to hear this, but it’s not like we make things up, Sage. We have good cause to be suspicious of Parker. And maybe he’s just gotten in over his head. You can help us. You may even be able to help Parker.”

That got my attention. If the cops thought Parker was involved in something bad, and I had the opportunity to help him by proving them wrong, then I really had no choice.

“What would I have to do?” I asked. “I’m not a cop.”

“You don’t have to be. Just be observant. Make note of names, titles, what they look like, anything they do or say that seems odd or suspicious. That’s all.”

“How will that help Parker?”

“If these guys are legit, then it’s no problem and we can clear him,” he said.

“And if they’re not?”

Ryker’s face was grave. “Then you want us to get involved. These people are dangerous, extremely dangerous, and you don’t want anything to happen to Parker, or yourself.”

I had the impression he was manipulating me, that he knew exactly how I felt about Parker, and that he was using that against me. Which was obviously a very good ploy because there was no way I was going to turn down the chance to either clear Parker’s name or help get him out of the clutches of the bad guys.

“Okay, I’ll do it,” I said.

Ryker smiled. The satisfaction in his eyes pricked my pride, but what was I to do? He’d effectively maneuvered me.

“Can we go now?” I asked. I was so ready for this “date” to be over.

“Yeah, sure.” He dug in his back pocket for his wallet and tossed some money on the table. Although we didn’t have our bill, I figured he must come here often enough to know what it cost.

Dorothea pressed another round of kisses to our cheeks on our way out; then Ryker and I were standing by his motorcycle.

I really didn’t want to get on the bike with him again. It wasn’t like I thought this was a real date, not after what he’d just told me.

“I’m just gonna catch a cab,” I said, sidling away from Ryker. I glanced down the street and saw one coming. Perfect.

“Don’t tell me you’re still afraid of my bike,” Ryker said, grasping my elbow and tugging me back toward him. His lips were lifted in a half-smile.

I snorted. “I’m not afraid of your bike, but I’m pretty sure this date is over.” I resisted the urge to

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