Power Play - Lauren Landish Page 0,95

Emma, my memory reminds me. You never know who you’ll meet.

I can hear my mother’s words in my ear. Ironically, this time, she’s right. I make my way through the ‘Walkway of Wonder’ and begin looking at each poster. It’s interesting to see the differences over time—fonts and styles change, actors and actresses aging before my eyes as posters showcase their careers in play after play.

I’ve made my way through the lineup on each side and there’s still no sign of Carly. I start to wonder where she is and make my way back over to the poster with my name and picture on it, wanting it to be the first thing I show her so that I can have that celebration moment again. And this time, I’m going to do it properly.

I’m standing right in front of the poster when the worst possible thing happens.

“Ahh, Kitty!” a big, deep voice thunders happily.

I turn, my face paling, wondering why fate likes to fuck with our lives. “Uh, hello, Mr. Romanov. Maritziana.”

What the fuck are they doing here?

I mean, it’s a Broadway celebration, and while I’m a believer there’s something for everyone in the theater, I don’t exactly get the feeling he’s a fan of The Lion King or Hamilton.

I take a couple of steps to the right, hoping they turn ever so slightly to stay facing me and away from the poster. They do, and Maritziana leans forward, pressing her cheek to mine and air kissing on the left, then right.

“So good to see you again, Kitty.”

“You too. Are you a fan of the theater?” I say, trying to make small talk and keep my heart from jumping out of my chest.

She smiles and nods. “Yes. And of parties.” She laughs, lifting her champagne. I laugh back like the joke is funny.

“Where is Nathan?” Nikolai asks, scanning the crowd.

Oh, God. He’s not here.

I’m standing with one of the most dangerous men in the world and he’s one glance away from knowing I’m a big fucking liar. And I’m well aware that he’s not a man you lie to for any reason. That’s what got me into this mess in the first place.

I know what I have to do. I click into character. Kitty. Nathan’s submissive girlfriend.

I follow suit, looking at the people around us, pretending like Nathan is here somewhere. Steadying myself, I say demurely, “He allowed me to look at the posters while he mingled and did business. He will be back for me.”

Nikolai looks at me. His face is blank, unreadable. He might be about to tell a joke or kill me, I don’t know which.

“Have you seen the ‘Walk of Wonder’?” I lean forward, whispering. “It is not really called that. I just named it that in my head.” I smile like it’s a secret, then offer, “I could show you.”

I’m praying he’ll take me up on the offer, let me lead him away from the ticking time bomb right behind him. And I think it’s going to work when Nikolai turns to Maritziana, his brows lifted, almost asking if she’d like to go. It’s a surprise kindness.

But I watch in slow-motion horror as the brightly colored poster catches his attention. In the instant it takes him to turn back to me, his face has changed.

Fury is written in every line, danger flashing in his eyes.

“Emma. Daniels. Who is this?” he snaps, moving in close. His breath is hot on my cheek, promising destruction.

I meet Maritziana’s eyes first, which are spread wide in alarm. Almost imperceptibly, she shakes her head.

I meet Nikolai’s eyes. “The actress in Cleopatra, it seems,” I say, not exactly playing dumb, but more confused at his sudden change in mood.

“It is you. This Emma Daniels.” He looks back and forth, double-checking. And while the picture of me is full stage makeup, hair, and costume, it’s fairly apparent that it’s me.

“I . . . uhm, I . . .” I say, my eyes jumping around wildly.

He grabs my arm, his thick fingers so tight around my bicep that the skin bulges between them. He shakes me as he speaks, “Where is Nathan? Does he know this? Are you playing him, or is he playing me?”

He growls and starts dragging me from the room. A scream for help is bubbling up through my throat, a wish for Nathan squeezing my heart.

“What the fuck is going on here?” a voice hisses from behind me.

Oh, shit. It’s like a fairy godmother heard my wish and made it

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