Power Play - Lauren Landish Page 0,295

his hands. Honestly, Olivia would do just as well. She’s a shrewd negotiator, innovative and willing to take smart risks. It’s a shame Dad never saw her strengths either. In the moment, I have a sense of peace . . . with my siblings, with the loss of my dream to be the CEO. Even with my dad, to some degree. He’s just not that important in the new priority list I hold dear.

My dad seems to consider the matter closed, preparing to call for the adjournment of the meeting. But from the end of the table, a voice calls out. “I move that we accept Robert Danger’s resignation as CEO of Danger Enterprises. I further move that we vote on a replacement CEO now.”

It’s Charlie’s voice, the executive who originally backed my proposal.

Dad laughs a bit, telling everyone that there’s no rush, but another voice sounds out. “I second the motion.”

And like that, it’s done. Dad’s resignation is accepted into the record. And voting opens . . . now. I never foresaw the meeting going this way, that’s for damn sure.

For a moment, I think Dad is going to let Chase give a speech outlining his vision for the company, and I wonder if he has something prepared. But Dad stands, taking the spotlight for himself.

“I think you all know where my strengths and weaknesses lie. And I’m proud to say that one of my greatest accomplishments is this man sitting to my right,” he says, gesturing to Chase, who looks grossly uncomfortable with the public praise. “Please consider our past, present, and future. I have built something grand in Danger Enterprises and am blessed to see its progress under the new leadership of my son, Chase.”

Instead of the sharp sting of rejection I usually feel, the bitterness is gone and I simply feel indifference. The competition between Chase and me is over, and I no longer feel angry toward his golden child status. Instead, I feel bad that although his treatment has been drastically different from mine, it has still given him baggage and damage.

Charlie gives a polite golf clap, indicating the speech is over, and Dad sits down, a pleased smile drifting across his face. “Okay, for a position such as this, the voting will be open. We’ll begin with our exiting CEO and work down the hierarchy. Agreed?” At the nods around the table, the vote begins.

Dad, of course, states confidently, “Chase Danger for CEO of Danger Enterprises.”

The next vote is for Chase as well.

But the third is for . . . me.

So’s the fourth. And the fifth. And the sixth.

Dad is turning red at the head of the table, a vein popping above his eye as his heart races at the unexpected votes.

Chase and I eye each other, shock written clearly on our faces, but there’s no ill will. It feels good.

It’s already solidly in my favor, much to everyone’s shock. But when it’s Olivia’s turn to vote, I’ll admit that I’m interested to hear what she has to say. Her vote can’t put me or Chase into the role, but I’m curious as to her take on the whole thing.

Her voice is calm, her speech sounding practiced even though I know she’s talking off the cuff. “I have served this board and this company for several years. Beyond that, I have been a part of this family my whole life. My brothers are both skilled businessmen in their own rights, beyond whatever name they were born to, perhaps even in spite of that name.” She gives Dad a hard look before scanning the group. “It is with delight that I would see either of my brothers as CEO. Therefore, I abstain from this vote.” It’s the perfect move. She chose both of us by choosing neither of us.

Charlie knocks on the table. “With voting being held by a strong majority, Scott Danger is the newly-elected Chief Executive Officer of Danger Enterprises.” And just like that, I’m the CEO.

There’s a cheer and a round of applause as I stand to accept the position. “Wow. Thank you all so very much for placing your faith and your trust in me. I promise I won’t let you down. I will keep Danger Enterprises synonymous with progress and powerful strategies to take us into the next century. I have learned a lot recently, what it takes to be a good man . . . a good partner . . . a good leader. And I think that we

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