Power Play - Lauren Landish Page 0,26

and I can see her pulse racing in her neck. Though we are role-playing something well beyond our limited interaction, I find I rather like her at my side on her knees.

If only it weren’t under such fearsome circumstances.

Finally, I look back to Nikolai. “My apologies. Kitty is my girlfriend, a rather new and untrained one at that. But be certain that she heard nothing, and if she did hear anything, she heard nothing.” I emphasize the last word, and Kitty swallows loudly and nods silently.

Nikolai’s look is one of calculation as he appraises the situation to see if I’m telling the truth. “Girlfriend or no, you should kill her. Some are simply untrainable, only good for a hole to fuck. And those are easy enough to come by.” He grins, baring his teeth toward Kitty, but her eyes are still downcast so she doesn’t see his leer. “Ha, I made an English joke. Come in a fuck hole. Funny, yes?”

I huff a humorless laugh and lay a hand on Kitty’s head, possessive and protective at the same time. “Yes. But I do care for this one. She has . . . special talents. My apologies again, but I will deal with her as I see fit. I promise you there will be a significant punishment for the disrespect.” I choose his word intentionally, to show that he has been heard.

He hums, and I’m not sure if he’s agreeing with my plan or disappointed that he didn’t get to kill Kitty tonight. Knowing him, it could be either one.

“As to our other business, please take the sample as a token of my friendship. Complete your due diligence to confirm what I’m saying is true, and then we should meet to discuss terms of my safe passage and your receipt of the remainder of the offering.” I keep the terms vague, still not sure what’s going on with Kitty but needing to finish this meeting on a positive note.

“Da, I will take a sample,” Nikolai agrees, holding out his hand.

Caleb interrupts, holding up a hand. “I think the rather large one you already put in your pocket should suffice. A second should not be necessary for testing.”

Nikolai smirks at Caleb and withdraws his hand, putting it in his pocket. “You cannot blame me for trying.” He turns to me, chuckling. “It is good to have a brother to watch for you.”

I agree, even if Nikolai’s being sarcastic and Caleb’s often a pain in the ass. “He is rather helpful on occasion.”

Nikolai sobers. “This business, it is not done. I do not like your methods, will likely not give you permission, but I will take this sample and consider. Perhaps, we should meet again? The three of us.” His eyes drop to Kitty where she still kneels, and then he squats down, getting on her level, and I think for a moment that he is going to threaten her again, but he looks up at me. “I have found a new hobby, tovarisch of mine taught me. Eating sushi off a naked woman. You could be a beautiful serving platter while we eat. Isn’t that right?”

He makes it sound like that’s a fun evening even as my gut twists in revulsion. Not that seeing Kitty nude and revealed piece by piece wouldn’t be exquisite erotic and culinary torture, but to think that a pig like Nikolai would be there as well twists my guts into a ball.

I don’t answer right away, and Nikolai looks back to Kitty with a smug smirk, whistling. “Or maybe you’d prefer to sit at Nathan’s feet and eat from his hand? Woof-woof.”

I know that she’s reaching her limit, can feel the coiled tension in her about to erupt, and I don’t put it past her to attack Nikolai, not knowing the depravity of what he would do to her in return. I clear my throat and pull his attention back to me.

“Dinner would be an honor. I do prefer to have Kitty sit with me though. I’m afraid this display was rather personal and not our usual style.”

The deference is smooth, even as I agree to a dinner I would prefer not to have. But it does placate him, and what’s more, it seems to intrigue him, a rare feat with a man as ungodly as Nikolai who has seen and done damn near everything.

“Mmm, pity. There may be more to be done on this deal than I expected. I’m sure you would do just about anything

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