Power Play - Lauren Landish Page 0,258

for residents, and tens of thousands of new people in Bane over the next decade. This is the future . . . of Danger Enterprises, of Bane, of our world. If you find the courage to be open to the possibilities. Do not be a naysayer simply because it is beyond your capabilities. Let the dreamers dream and take the rest of us along for the ride.”

It’s powerful, it’s bombastic, and it casts him as some sort of leader of more than a company but of an entire city . . . and I’m on my feet along with everyone else as Scott leaves the stage, the light following him as he approaches me.

“You were wonderful!” I exclaim as Scott approaches, his cocky grin softening into the smile I’ve come to see more often.

“Was I?” he asks, stepping closer. “I kept looking for you, but the light was too bright.”

“Well, I could see just fine. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”

Scott nods and pulls me tight, kissing me even with the spotlight still on us. I’m taken aback, thrilled. A full-blown kiss, right here in front of everyone, during one of the most important moments of his life. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks of me or of our relationship. He cares about me, and he’ll let the whole damn world know it. It makes me feel heady and important.

After we settle back in, there are still ten minutes before dishes are cleared and the dinner course is over. But Scott doesn’t even get a chance to eat because people keep coming over to shake his hand and congratulate him for a job well done. Noticeably absent from the appreciation is Scott’s entire family. Although I hadn’t expected his dad or brother to say anything, I’d hoped that maybe his mom or sister would see reason and at least tell him ‘good job’.

Olivia presented her plan after Scott, and while it was presented well, it didn’t have the same ‘oomph’ behind it. I almost feel bad for her because I would’ve hated going after Scott. Nothing would’ve stood up against what he laid out.

Once all the presentations are made, the lights change, and Scott reaches over, taking my hand. “Shall we dance?”

I nod, taking his hand and heading out to the dance floor. A band has taken the stage where the presentations were given, and a singer takes the microphone.

The saxophone and guitar start up, and Scott takes me in his arms. “I don’t know this one.”

Scott smiles, turning with me. “Expose. Just listen. I heard this a lot growing up. My mom liked this group.”

Seasons change . . . people change . . .

I’ve heard this part, and as the singer adds her sultry voice to the sensuous instrumentals, I lean my head on Scott’s chest. It feels good, but at the same time, I feel sad. The lyrics hit me deep. People change, and too often, we’re sacrificing tomorrow to hang onto today’s pleasures.

“It’s so horrible.”

“What is?” Scott asks, looking down at me.

“The way your family is,” I reply sadly. “It’s like you hate each other. Especially you and Chase.”

Scott nods, glancing over to where Chase is dancing with his date. “I don’t hate him. But it’s all we’ve ever known.”

“That’s horrible,” I murmur absently. “It’s hard to fathom how it could get this way. I don’t have a lot of family, but what I do have, we’re very close.”

Scott hums, but my mind goes back to what he said on stage. “They’re all your naysayers and you’re the dreamer.”

He smirks. “Not sure about the dreamer part, but they definitely underestimate me.”

“You are a dreamer, maybe not in a wild way like those inventors. You’re more of a bespoke suit type, filled with power and ambition, but you see possibilities where others don’t or are unwilling to. You see a possibility in me . . . broken, moody, aimless. You make me dream too.”

Scott stops dancing, looking down at me. “What do you dream? Tell me, Madison, and I’ll fucking make it happen. Anything.”

“I dream about you, wish that this fantasy were real, but I’m so scared I’m going to wake up and it’ll have all been pretend, my heart hoping for things I’m not destined to have.” My voice is soft, sad.

Scott cups my face. “You deserve everything. You’re not broken or aimless. You got knocked down, licked your wounds, and got right back up to fight another day. When I found you, you were standing

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