Power Play - Lauren Landish Page 0,182

four times as hard as Chase, and still, it’s never good enough.

Even as the thought enters my mind, I quickly dismiss it. Danger Enterprises has been my entire life. Just because my dad is closed-minded, I won’t let him force me away from something that I fully intend on making mine.

Reaching the floor where my office is, I hear a familiar voice behind me. “Hey, what happened in there?”

I turn to see my best friend and colleague, Robbie Wright, peering at me, his chest heaving as if he’s just run up the stairs. I know he didn’t. Robbie’s just always going like a crazy man. His four-Rockstar-a-day habit probably doesn’t help things. He’s short and compact, a former college boxer who earned the nickname ‘Motorhead’ from his team, both for his never-ending energy and his never-ending mouth.

Despite the difficulties in getting him to shut up sometimes, Robbie’s my right-hand man. No matter what I need, he’s the one I can always depend on, and his brain is as sharp as his suits. He’s put a lot into this deal and feels personally invested, just like me.

“It’s not being voted on yet,” I say flatly, continuing on to my office. Robbie doesn’t need an insight into my issues with my father since he’s well aware of them already.

Robbie falls in behind me, however, scurrying to keep up. “Fuck, man, I thought you said we’d have your father’s backing today.”

Not responding, I make it to my office, taking off my suit coat and throwing it over the back of my chair. Despite it being a step down from Chase’s office, the floor-to-ceiling windows give a spectacular view of the city.

I take a moment, looking out at the view before me. When Dad was my age, Bane was just another podunk small city, one of those towns where high school football would draw crowds bigger than the entire town’s population.

Then my father began what was then Danger LLC. And now, Bane’s on the verge of being the next big city of the decade.

There’s already a satellite campus of the state university in town, and the Danger name has brought plenty of other industries to town. There have been some growing pains, but overall, Bane’s name is on the rise and is being hyped as the next Silicon Valley.

And in the center of it all, standing fifty stories into the air and dominating the skyline, is the Danger Building.


I turn around and see that Robbie is staring at me. He’s standing at the door to my office, his eyes concerned. He’s good at reading between the lines and knows this isn’t the time to press me.

It’s one of the reasons I have him on my team, even if keeping a friend as your subordinate has plenty of its own challenges.

Running my fingers through my hair, I sigh, stressed out. I thought for sure I had this in the bag. “Fuck it . . . I need a drink.” I move toward the collection of fine whiskey and crystal glasses on the credenza in the corner but stop when Robbie speaks.

“Hey, how about we hit up a club or a bar instead? Change of scenery might do you some good. I know it’s been a while, but a piece of ass might help you clear your mind too.”

I should take a pass, go home, and gather my thoughts. I need to stay focused. In time, everyone, including my father, will realize I’m the one suited to lead this company. And I need to be ready when that happens.

But the thought of going home without relieving all this built-up tension is pure torture.

Fuck it.

I’ve got three months of pent-up energy, and some lucky girl is going to get all of it tonight. Every. Last. Bit.

Grabbing my wallet, I grin. “Let’s go.”

Chapter 3


Daily Horoscope, September 21st

Libra – Put your best self forward and watch what happens.

“Woo-hoo, Maddie’s got her groove back!” Tiff exclaims, looking me over with jealous eyes. “See? My horoscope readings can be a good kick in the pants to get your shit straight. Get it, girl!”

We’re in the break room in back of Stella’s getting ready for our shifts, and after that shitty fucking psychic reading, I’m kicking the bad vibes to the curb and grabbing life by the horns.

Starting by going all out with my wardrobe. Okay, maybe Tiff’s morning reading was the encouragement I needed to put forth a bit more effort today. But it’s hella easier to hear the good stuff

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