Power Play - Lauren Landish Page 0,18

Popova.” She also has an accent, but it’s harsher, maybe not quite Russian but somewhere close. “Are you from Mostest as well?”

I smile hugely, glad that my cover is holding water. “Yes. It’s my first time with them, though, so I’m a little nervous, even though I’ve attended many fancy parties.”

Maritziana laughs, a small tinkling sound. “Then you’ll do fine. It’s truly just looking pretty and being entertaining. I suppose you can carry an intelligent conversation?”

I wink, whispering, “Well, so far, so good, wouldn’t you say?”

She laughs again, though this time it is larger, fuller, and I suspect closer to her own natural laugh. “Indeed, Kitty. I think you will do just fine. Let me introduce you around.”

She does, quickly making the loop of the room, introducing me to the other hostesses. All are stunning beauties, dressed to the nines in gorgeous cocktail dresses, some more aggressively flashy than others but each sexy in their own way.

Some seem coolly unaffected by the opulence around us, while others are nearly giddy.

I try to take advantage of the time working the room, looking for clues or some tiny detail that might help, even in this public space. But other than noting that it is pristinely cleaned and generically decorated with the utmost care, I find nothing.

A few minutes later, the door opens, grabbing everyone’s attention.

A tall blond man walks into the room, seeming at gross odds with his surroundings in his jeans and white sleeveless T-shirt, his hair mussed.

But even given his appearance, he carries an air of authority, obviously a man accustomed to delivering orders and having them followed without question.

Instantly, I’m thankful for Claire’s constant tutoring as I recognize Caleb Stone, brother to Nathan and secondary target if I’m unable to get close to Nathan, the primary target.

“Hello, ladies,” he says, his deep voice filling the room as he flashes a charismatic smile that I bet would get him inside quite a few sets of panties in the room if he wanted. “Glad you could join us tonight.”

His words hold a hint of promise, like he could make reading Hop on Pop sound like a sexual proposition, and I can see the women around me shifting slightly in their heels, the flush pinkening their cheeks in delight.

I can’t deny that he’s a sexy man, handsome in a rougher way than I’d expected from his picture. His muscles, chiseled jaw, and sparkling eyes are so much more apparent in person. But beyond the sex appeal, there’s a carefree wildness, and I think he seems like the type to squander a family fortune, like a frat boy grown up but still expecting life to be handed to him in a way that only growing up with money can provide.

He continues on, not wanting or expecting anyone to speak back to him, like he’s used to being the center of attention.

“The party tonight should be one for the record books, definitely one you’ll be thinking of for years to come. Thanks to me, of course.” He flashes a cocky smirk, flirting with everyone in the room all at once.

I have a moment of disdain, even though he’s obviously joking around to keep things light, but I manage to corral my eye roll.

“Seriously, all we need is a little entertainment. You entertain us,” he says, moving closer to trace a thick finger along a brunette hostess’s nose.

I can see her breath hitch even from here as her mouth drops open, and I vow to myself that I will walk out of this room if she sucks his finger right now.

But with a raised eyebrow, he moves on to the next girl, promising heavily, “I’ll entertain you.”

And then finally, he takes Maritziana by the hand, spinning her in place like they’re dancing, though there is no music playing. “And we’ll all have a great time.”

It’s a ridiculous display of ego and playfulness, making me somehow dislike and like him.

My smile is lighter now, less harshly judgmental of Caleb’s seemingly playboy ways. I guess I’ve just seen too many instances of rich bad boys for the fantasy to hold any water anymore.

But I seem to be the only one on the fence, as all the other hostesses are eating out of his hand. I wonder if that’s truly the case or if they’re just better actresses than I am. Either way, I’m going to have to step up my game.

Caleb is slowly working his way around the room now, giving each girl a moment of his

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