Power Play - Lauren Landish Page 0,178


Tiff slowly shakes her head, her eyes full of regret. “No. I’ve passed by this place a few times, and my aunt really has been here before. That’s how I knew about it, but I’ve never seen her in my life. I swear.”

I study her for a moment, and I can tell she’s being honest.

“You said that she was supposed to tell me what I wanted to hear,” I say, feeling shaky inside but not knowing why.

What Marie said has to be bullshit. My heart would be his? Definitely not a chance that’s happening. I’m avoiding men and definitely avoiding love.

Being stung by a scorpion? What the hell does that even mean? There are no scorpions around here!

It’s all just bullshit. Just like I always thought it was. Nothing has changed except that she said some spooky mumbo-jumbo generic stuff that scared me.

Tiffany pauses, taking in a deep breath and letting it out in a sigh. “Yes! I just thought maybe if you heard someone other than me tell you some positive shit about your future and I could convince you it was true, maybe you would feel better, start living again. Like our morning horoscopes amped up on crack.”

I see the hurt in her eyes . . . and the worry. Warmth flows down my sides. In her own crazy, fucked-up way, Tiff’s only trying to help. Although, I could think of a hundred other ways to go about doing so than a palm reading by a mad woman.

“You really couldn’t think of a better way than that to convince me, genius?” I ask jokingly, trying to shake off the bad feeling I have by making light of the situation. Fuck that lady. I’m not gonna let her stupid prediction ruin my week when I’ve been doing good lately.

Tiffany sniffs and then laughs, shrugging. “It’s just basic psychology I learned in college. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. You believe something good is true and that it’s going to happen, so you’re more likely to make the decisions that make it happen for real.” She shakes her head. “But shit, Maddie . . . I swear I didn’t know it would be like that. I really am sorry.”

I wave her concern away with a nervous chuckle and start the car, eager to get away from the palm reading shop. “It’s okay. You were only trying to help . . . and as crazy as this little idea of yours was, you’re the best friend a girl could ask for.”

Tiffany looks genuinely relieved. “So you’re not mad at me?”

I shake my head. “Of course not. Just stop pushing me toward random guys and nagging me about dating, ‘kay? It’ll happen when I’m ready for it to happen and not a minute before.”

Tiffany nods. “You’re right, girl. I really do need to stop. I just want to see you happy again, and while it’s always good to be fine on your own, or locked into a happily ever after fairy tale, a single night filled with multiple orgasms wouldn’t hurt. I just want you happy, for now and forever.” She pauses, peering at me closely. “Uh, so, you’re not going to steal one of my bras or put salt in my foundation like you did that time I threw ice on you to wake you up for work, are you?”

I grin, remembering that incident and how pissed Tiffany had gotten at me. “As long as you never ask me to go to a place like that again.”

We both look at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.

And just like that, the mood brightens. I navigate the last few blocks to Stella’s and pull into the parking lot, on time for our night shift. Tiff and I are okay, and I can understand where she was coming from to try and cheer me up, but even as I walk inside, there’s a wiggle at the back of my head, repeating Marie’s prediction.

Chapter 2


Daily Horoscope, September 21st


Your lust for power will be your downfall. Humble yourself and you will see the success you so badly desire.

Perhaps I’m fated to be the misfit, the hard luck one, the one who doesn’t seem to find his place. After all, when you’re born at the stroke of midnight on October 31st at ten pounds, seven ounces, you make one hell of an impression. I was a bitch to birth, as my mom likes to remind me whenever I piss her off. The most painful birth she’s

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