Power Play - Lauren Landish Page 0,16

unlock her legs, I take the three strides to her, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her against me. I turn, shoving her against the wall and holding her hostage there. Her eyes are pure terror, a weak cry coming from deep in her throat.

“You saw nothing,” I say harshly. It’s not a question.

She nods, but I can see the questions, the urge to scream. I grab at her bag, the same one I helped her repack earlier when the contents scattered on the floor. Finding the wallet, I open it to see her ID.

“Carly Edwards. New York City, New York. You’re a long way from home, aren’t you?”

Something in the snide question gives her a boost, her chin raising defiantly. I can’t have that. I need her weak in this moment, fearful of me, of what I’ll do if she tattles on what she’s seen.

I growl, the sound low and feral, and she shrinks. “I know who you are. I know where you live in the US, and I recognize that hostel key.” The threat seems almost enough, and then I add, “And it seems the café owner, Strega, is rather fond of you too. I’d hate for anything to happen to either of you.”

It’s then that she gets it. I see the decision in her eyes. “You saw nothing. Understand?”

Finally, she speaks, and though it’s quiet, I hear her. “Is he dead? Did you kill him?”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to lie, to use the horror she would feel at that to terrorize her into keeping her mouth shut. But that’s not what comes out of my mouth.

“No, he’s unconscious. Not dead.”

Her relief is palpable. Her agreement is nearly complete, and she nods slowly. “I didn’t see anything.”

I let her go slowly, willing her to not make any sudden moves. She moves just as carefully, but I’m surprised that when offered the chance, she doesn’t make a run for it. Instead, she moves to Raul, bending down to place two fingers to his neck to confirm what I’ve told her. Smart girl.

She nods and brushes off her knees as she stands up. “I’m leaving first. Do not follow me.”

Her audacity at issuing orders amuses me on some level, but I dip my chin, agreeing. She steps out of the alley and onto the sidewalk without giving me her back, and then like a mirage, she’s gone.

I count to ten and then follow her out of the alley. I look left, scanning as far down the sidewalk as I can, but she’s nowhere to be found. If she’s as smart as she seems, I’ll never see her again.

Chapter 5


Driving higher and higher into the hills of The Hamptons, all I can see are trees and fences. Obviously, there are houses behind each run of trees because every once in a while, the fence style changes, denoting the different estates.

Claire and I grew up wealthy, but this is on a whole different level of money.

I slow as I round a turn, noticing that the brick fence pillars are now marked with a scrolling letter S, just as Claire said they would be. I follow the street to the servants’ entrance, turning in carefully and stopping at the callbox.

With a press of a button, a disembodied British accent resonates crisply from the speaker. “Stone Manor, may I help you?”

“Yes, Kitty Williamson from Mostest Hostesses as requested, sir.”

The congenial tilt to my voice is one of practiced comfort, the professional courtesy I learned at Mom’s side through years of her parties.

But even saying the stupid name Claire gave me makes me roll my eyes. And ‘Mostest Hostesses’ doesn’t exactly help either.

As the gate buzzes and begins to open, I roll my window up and drive forward, mimicking myself with a Kardashian-worthy snide repeat. “Kitty Williamson, Mostest Hostesses, sir. Ugh! Claire, you owe me one.”

She can’t hear me since we’d decided a wire was too risky, but I’m still putting it out in the universe because I know how big of a request this was for her, and I’ll be collecting on this debt for sure. Sister or not.

The tree line clears, and suddenly, I can see the house. No, not house. That is a fucking mansion. Or what’s bigger than a mansion? I can’t think of a big enough word, but I know that this home qualifies.

It’s stunning and classic, red brick soaring three stories high with white Attic-style columns reaching to the roof.

From the outside, it looks as

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