Power (Dark Anomaly #2) - Marina Simcoe Page 0,73

the pace, I moved faster.

I slightly shifted my hips, finding the perfect angle and hitting just the right spot with each glide against him.

Pleasure rippled and ebbed, flooding my lower body with heat. Just a little bit longer... I could already sense the first tantalizing wisps of the approaching orgasm.

Wyck’s long, pained groan reached me. I snapped my gaze to his.

He sank his teeth into his bottom lip, his expression strained, his thighs trembling under me.

“Come for me, Wyck,” I whispered.

“Not without you,” he gritted through his teeth.

Sitting up, he grabbed my hips. Bringing me closer, he made the contact between our bodies tighter. The increased pressure released my climax. The pleasure unfurled like a tightly wound spring, shooting through me in spasms of ecstasy.

I gripped his shoulders, the bumps of his ridges there digging into my palms. My gasps and moans mingled with his roars and grunts as he joined me, our bodies rocking together through our orgasms. Swept into the hurricane of pleasure, I clung to him. My own climax felt that much more intense because Wyck shared it with me.

He breathed hard, drawing in air in big, hungry gulps. His arms tight around me, he buried his face in the place between my neck and my shoulder.

I stroked his nape, tracing the dips and protrusions along his spine, and wishing I never had to let go. If there was a way for me to ever leave this place, I vowed then and there to beg Wyck to come with me. The world outside, my carefully planned life on Earth—none of that would be complete without him anymore.

“Nadia?” he asked softly, not lifting his head from my shoulder. “Is love a good or a bad thing to a woman?”


Hearing that word from him made my heart skip a beat. It then resumed its beating in loud thuds.

“Generally,” I started tentatively, my fingers hovering over his back motionlessly. “Being loved is considered a good thing, both by men and women. A very good thing.”

I leaned back a little, making him lift his head. I needed to see his eyes.

“Why do you ask, Wyck?”

His expression was serious when he met my gaze straight on.

“In that dancing movie we watched together,” he said. “When the man told his woman he loved her at the end, she cried.”

“Those were happy tears.” I smiled, stroking the side of his face. “After everything the two of them had been through together, she was so happy to hear those words from him, the feeling overwhelmed her to the point of tears.”

He seemed to mull my words over for a moment.

“The man didn’t cry, though, when she said it to him.”

“He probably was already expecting her to say it back and had been better prepared?” I gave him a small shrug. “Why are you asking?”

“It’s just...confusing.” He rubbed his chest then pulled me into a firm hug. “All of this. The emotions...”

There was so much in what he and I shared. The wide array of feelings I held for Wyck had confused me too, at times. Lately, however, it all appeared to make more sense—my own emotions merged into something strong and bright for him, giving me some clarity.

“You’ll sort it all out, darling.” I gently stroked his cheek. “With time.”

And time was all we had in here, on the Dark Anomaly.

Chapter 19

THE CRASHING NOISE of the metal slab blocking the entrance to the ship made me jump in my seat inside our cabin. It wasn’t Wyck returning. He had enough strength to roll the slab aside quietly.

Everything inside me immediately froze with dread. My fingers tightened on the frame of the tablet I held in my hands, and I felt momentarily paralyzed with fear.

Wyck had gone out right after breakfast that morning. In addition to taking care of me, he had other tasks to do on the Dark Anomaly, like everyone else on the crew.

It’d been a week since we moved to the new place—a blissfully uneventful week. We’d spent it talking, making love, reading, and watching movies together—getting to know each other in every way.

Together, we’d also managed to move a camera outside and mounted it over the entrance. However, I was still trying to figure out how to transfer the feed to a tablet in the cabin. For now, all footage was transmitted to the control panel in the main area.

Today would be the time of my next “session” in the mess hall had the captain not cancelled the “entertainment.” I knew the

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