Power (Dark Anomaly #2) - Marina Simcoe Page 0,53

shoved it in the pocket of his pants.

“Hey!” Stretching his four arms, Krakhil reached for the corner of the rag sticking from the pocket. “I need that to wipe blood and stuff.”

“Use your shirt.” Wyck swatted his hands away.

“I’m not wearing one!”

Ignoring Krakhil and the curses he was throwing at his back, Wyck headed toward the vasai farm.

There, behind a row of centipede cages, was a wide crack in the wall. Making sure no one was around to see him, he squeezed his large body between the two ragged edges of paneling and into a room with a low ceiling behind the wall.

At the far end, there was a short passageway. It was narrow. Even at fourteen years of age, Wyck had had a hard time wiggling through and into another small room with a window behind it. Now, that he had doubled in size since, he could only get his arm through, up to his shoulder.

It was just as well. The room on the other end of the passage had a small window, and he’d seen enough of the dizzying lights of the Anomaly to last him a lifetime.

He shoved the blankets through the passage into the small space behind it. This was where he had kept Lesh as a puppy, many years ago. And this was where he now intended to bring Nadia.

The place was not ideal. There were no bathroom facilities. He’d have to take Nadia out to use the bathroom in the farm a few times a day. It would mean a higher risk of being discovered for her, but she needed to take daily showers to avoid being tracked by scent.

Unlike the hated glass room, however, he didn’t experience any discomfort from being here. Since other species on the Dark Anomaly weren’t bothered by the glass room, he’d always worried that someone might find their way in when he wasn’t around.

The narrow passage to the room with the window was too small for any male to fit through. Nadia’s slender dancer’s figure should be able to fit, though. That put his mind at ease somewhat.

Sitting down on the floor next to the entrance to the passage, he opened his pants. Taking care of his throbbing erection had become a necessity. The agony of lust had been clouding his mind, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

His second cock had swollen by now, too. Both pulsed hot and hard when he took them in his hands.

His mind flashed to the moment when Nadia’s small, delicate hands held one of them, kneading and reshaping it to her liking. The memory of the sensation shot through his core like lightning, bringing an intense pleasure.

Both cocks prickled and ached as he squeezed them in his hands and slid his fists up and down, spreading the sleek moisture that seeped through his skin.

Ecstasy raged through his body, the memories of Nadia fueling pleasure into an inferno.

She’d kissed him. Her lips had been as sweet as the pollen sugar collected from the endoi flowers in the gardens.

Her warm hands on him, so gentle and...loving. He’d never experienced anything like her touch in his life.

The unforgettable sensation of being inside her...

There’d been fog after that—the hot, sticky haze of desire and ecstasy mixed into an explosion of climax. The feeling of complete bliss he’d been plunged into was incomparable to any orgasm he’d brought himself to.

His climax hit him now, bringing physical release. The long spurts shot out of both cocks simultaneously, and the pain of the pressure had finally dissipated, draining the tension from his body.

He wiped off the mess, using the rag he’d snatched from Krakhil, then tugged his pants back up.

There was no energy to get up right away, and he allowed himself to rest for a moment. The thoughts of Nadia wouldn’t leave him, even as the lust had subsided. Now, he wished to feel her relaxing against him, imagining holding her soft body in his arms.

An achy feeling seized his heart—the longing for having her at his side. He could no longer truly rest when he was away from her. A feeling of loss tormented him, as if something was missing and he needed to go search for it.

Restless, he crawled out into the vasai farm and got to his feet.

A sudden tremor ran through the walls and floor, making him sway on his feet. He got a hold of the nearest cage to steady himself, feeling the receding vibration through his palms.

Shakes and tremors happened

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