Power (Dark Anomaly #2) - Marina Simcoe Page 0,44

her,” the captain said. “Then you should understand better now what I did back then. If you had to choose between protecting your woman or Svetlana, which one would you have sent to the mess hall?”

Wyck dropped his hands, releasing the captain, and took a step back. The realization rushed him—were he in Vrateus’s place, he would’ve done exactly the same. He’d sacrifice others to keep Nadia well and happy.

“I didn’t simply replace Svetlana with Nadia,” Vrateus continued. “By the time the human ship arrived here, I’d already found a way to keep my woman away from the crew. If you care about yours, find a way to keep her out of their reach, too. Your chances are even better than mine because you’re not alone. As one of their own, you have the errocks’ loyalty. No one would dare go against you while you have your brothers by your side.”

That should be true. Why did the unwelcome doubt scratch inside him when he was reminded about his family’s loyalty to him?

Vrateus must have caught something in his expression.

“How is Nocc?” he asked.


He would never admit to Vrateus that he had to talk Nocc into helping him. Vrateus didn’t need to know about the inner dealings of the errock family, definitely not about any rifts between them. Wyck had gotten Nocc’s word, that should be as good as gold.

“Whatever you decide to do to protect her,” the captain continued, “you’ll have my support. I can order the end of the sessions in the mess hall any time, but my orders are only as good as their enforcement. Can you and your brothers contain the rest of the crew when they learn you’ll be keeping the female away from them? Are you confident you can stop them from rushing her room or ambushing you on your way to her or attacking all of you in your sleep?”

Listening to the captain, Wyck realized how much worry this man must be living with every day. Protecting a woman was not a battle but a constant war on the Dark Anomaly.

Vrateus briefly placed his hand on Wyck’s shoulder. “Think about it, then let me know.”

“For now, I just need a gun,” he said. “Nadia was attacked last week, I won’t let it happen again. You’ve put me in charge of her, give me the means to do my job well.”

After another long, assessing stare, the captain finally nodded.

“Just one?”

“I only have two hands, and I prefer to keep one free and ready to punch.” Besides, more guns potentially meant more chances for them to be stolen.

“Wait here.” Vrateus went back into his room and when he returned, he had a black leather holster with a laser gun in it.

Wyck grabbed it, but Vrateus held on tight.

“Promise me you will only use it for her defense.”

“I promise,” he said sincerely. “I need it for tonight only. You can have it back first thing tomorrow morning.”

“Find a way to keep her out of their reach,” the captain had said, and that was exactly what he intended to do. He needed some time to figure out how, but he vowed right then and there that tonight would be Nadia’s last dance for the crew.

“Keep it.” The captain released his hold of the holster belt. “I hope you won’t have to use it.”

Vrateus might be right. With his family at his side, managing the mob should be much easier.

“Captain?” he said as Vrateus turned to go back into the room.

The themul glanced his way, his long furry tail whipping across the tops of his tall boots.

“Is there something else?”

“Yes.” Wyck rubbed the back of his neck, unsure how to word his other request. “Nadia has been asking about Svetlana.”

“What?” the captain growled. His tail lashed wildly and the orange in his eyes darkened. “Why?”

Wyck shrugged.

“She wants to talk with her. The two of them are the only humans here.”

For him, Nadia’s desire to see someone of her own species made perfect sense. However, he had no idea if as a themul, the captain shared the same sense of family.

“The only surviving women, too,” he added.

Vrateus heaved a long breath, leaning back against the door again.

“You haven’t told Svetlana about Nadia, have you?” Wyck asked, already knowing the answer. He wanted to find out the reasons for the captain’s silence.


“Why? Are you afraid they’d plot another escape plan?”

Vrateus glanced up at Wyck from under his dark eyebrows. “You know there is no way to escape here.” He raked his

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