Possessing the Grimstone - By John Grover Page 0,59

replied Shannara. “A savage enemy without mercy has sailed through the mists of the Fifling Sea, and attacks all kingdoms in Athora.”

“The mists…? The wall of mist that no ship could sail through?”

“The very one,” Tolan said. “They have a powerful weapon on their side, aiding them in their conquest. They will not stop until they have destroyed us all. The North has already fallen, as has Gonnish. The Neshing are at the gates of Cardoon as we speak.”

“I see. We have no army. What assistance do you seek from our city?”

“A ship. We see you have many. We must travel to Norrow to find a weapon of equal power if we’re to fight this new enemy. I am afraid we have no funds to purchase a ship. We ask to borrow one of your ships to aid in saving our world. We will return it on the journey back.”

“You may not have funds, soldier, but you do have something to trade.” Charris smiled.

“I do not understand.”

“You are a soldier of Cardoon, one of the strongest armies in the lands. The D’Elkyrie are among the fiercest warriors around. The King of the South can climb without rope or ladder, and the Wivering can run faster than any creature on four legs.”

“I am afraid you have us at a loss, sire.”

“I will lend you a ship if you help my city with something, first.”

“Name it.”

“Our city is plagued by the Brigands. They come and raid our ports, plunder our ships, kill our people, and steal the precious goods that Norrow trades with us. It is crippling our commerce. My people are growing afraid to sail the seas. If these Brigands of the Western Isles aren’t stopped, many will suffer.”

“Of course. We will run them off after we defeat the Neshing.”

Chariss shook his head. “That will not do. They come nearly every night, now. They will come tonight. Aid us tonight, first, and then we will give you a ship.”

“Custodian Charris, time is fleeting. It will take seven to ten days to reach Norrow from your shores. There is not a moment to spare.”

“I understand your concerns, but that is my offer.”

“The Neshing take no prisoners. Their magic is of the darkest kind. The longer we wait, the more they will destroy, including your city.”

“Exactly—what kind of Custodian would I be if I didn’t take care of my city? Whether these Neshing come or not, my city is in danger now. By the time you return my favor, there may not be a port. What good would your victory be, then? That is my offer, and it is final.”

“This port affects many in Athora,” Drith said to Tolan. “Without it, my people will die. We must not ignore this offer. There is no choice.”

“Very well,” Tolan said. “We will help you tonight.”

“Wonderful,” Charris said. “Please, eat and drink. You will need your strength.”

Chapter Fourteen

“We don’t have time for this,” Tolan said to the others as dusk settled over the beach. They walked down the castle’s road toward the edge of the craggy cliffs as red and violet hues cascaded across the sky.

“We have no choice,” Drith said. “It is just, and gets us what we want.”

“You cannot really believe that this city would fall because of a few Brigand raids?”

“You talk of working with others and fighting a common evil, but this, you struggle with?” Drith challenged.

“We can do this,” Shannara interrupted. “It does not have to delay us long. I have a plan.”

“Really?” Tolan stopped before the edge of the cliffs. “Do share it with us.” He smiled at her, looking into her eyes.

“Would I keep a secret from you?”

Pim shook his head and rolled his eyes.

“The seers must remain on the beach,” Shannara continued. “The rest, follow me.”


When the purple veil of night fell over the docks, the Brigands came. A ship with red sails ripped through the waves and pulled into the nearest port. They boarded the ship beside them. The men aboard tried to defend their ship, but they were outnumbered.

The Brigands cut them down and cast them into the water. The rest ran off into Fionngall, screaming for help.

The raiders laughed, hauling boxes of cargo onto their backs. “The cargo be heavy tonight,” the ugliest grunted.

“Ah, must be filled with more silver and coin than before!” Another answered.

“All the more to spend!”

With grunts and moans, they moved the boxes and barrels onto their ship.

They set a host of barrels down on the decks with a thud. One

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