Possessing the Grimstone - By John Grover Page 0,57

charge, galloping across fields, oblitering everything in their path. Behind them, the foot soldiers stomped their way, cutting down anything or anyone nearby. Hundreds of mages were mixed into the thick of them.

They drove their war machines across the battleground with their lizard steeds, spiked boulders already loaded into them.

Sooth-Malesh felt his heart drop into his stomach. He took a deep breath, and turned to the couryard below. “We are under attack!” he cried. The bells in the spires rang out, warning the city. He ran across the parapet to the top of a flight of stairs, and looked down.

“Archers to the wall!” he cried.

Hundreds of Cardoon soldiers armed with crossbows rushed up the stairs and to the top of the wall. Sooth-Malesh joined their ranks. His eyes flared at the thousands of monsters rushing toward them. He curled his fists as blue energy whirled around them.

A volley of crossbow quarrels launched from the wall and downed hundreds of riders and their reptilian steeds. More simply took their place.

A spiked boulder soared across the sky toward the city walls. Sooth-Malesh stretched out his arms, and the boulder froze in mid-air. He gestured again, and the boulder flung backwards, hitting one of the Neshing catapults and shattering it to splinters.

Four green fireballs screamed at Sooth-Malesh. He threw up an invisible wall at the last moment, saving himself and a dozen men around him. Others were not so lucky: men exploded into ashes to his left and right as the dark magic invaded Cardoon.

Flaming spears sailed over the wall, felling men and setting thatched roofs ablaze. A boulder struck the east wall, crumbling the top of it. Soldiers fell screaming to their deaths.

Rubble spilled into the courtyard below, where Northen men cowered. Olani stood atop the nearest fountain and addressed her people. Their faces were masks of terror filled with uncertainty and despair. The council whispered; she knew they spoke of her lack of leadership and experience.

“Do not give up,” Olani cried. “This is our stand against them! This is our final chance to show that we won’t go down without a fight! You are strong and brave. Everyone is afraid, every one of us, but we must fight! We must not go quietly! Damn them for choosing to attack us, for trying to take our homes and destroy our families! You may have lost your land and your city, but you have not lost your souls! You have not lost your spirit!”

She saw their faces shift. Their eyes filled with a burning anger. She knew they’d heard her. Olani took up the crossbow at her feet.

“To the wall,” She yelled, “To the wall!”

The Northern men cheered and rushed the parapet. Olani led the charge. They reached the top of the city walls and hurled lances down on the Neshing. Olani stood beside Sooth-Malesh and fired her crossbow.

Not to be outdone, Drith’s twin brother, Gyrn, led the Southern warriors to the walls. The painted warriors climbed up one side and scampered down the other, descending into the battlefield and meeting the Neshing head on.

In the rear, the teleporters of Gywthroth appeared out of the fog of war, armed with their garrots.

Sooth-Malesh whirled his hands and took aim again, but a blast of energy pushed him off his feet. He rolled down the stone steps, singed.

“Crimson mage!” Olani rushed to his side. She took his arm. “You cannot fall.”

“They are too strong,” he croaked. “I am not strong enough… they will take us.”

“They’ve not won yet, my friend. After all they’ve been through, my people fight on. You will, too!” She pulled him up, and the two returned to the final battle for Athora.


Pim soaked in the wonder that was Fionngall. A city built into the side of the seacliffs, it sported multi-level buildings with canopy-covered balconies and decks. Ropes and lines drew from one deck to another: some were draped with fine linens and clothes, and others dryied scores of fish in the salty air.

The group passed a huge bazaar with many vendors. It was crowded with people bartering for sea shells, hunting tools, exotic fruits and vegetables, and all types of smoked fish and meats.

Hagglers and barkers called to the new strangers. Shannara eyed many glittery stones and jewelry. Tolan saw curved blades, harpoons, dipped arrows, and other twisted weapons that called to his knightly heart. Pim stared at all the food, both hot and cold. He felt his mouth watering.

Women with veils danced in the sand, waving scarves in front

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