Possessing the Grimstone - By John Grover Page 0,55

so weak that it is a challenge to leave my bed.”

“It is not sickness that causes this in you. I can see no more, but you will know this to be true.”

“You are such a wonder, crimson mage. I think I know my body.”

“As I thought I knew my magic? Now look at the barrier I hold against the Grimstone, the most powerful of all magical items. Clearly, I did not know myself.”

“You use my words against me.”

“No, I use them to open your heart and mind.”

A fireball burst against the barrier and fell to the ground. The rampart trembled.

“I believe that is my cue to bid you goodnight.” She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “Not that I will get much sleep, but I will try to rest with an open mind.”

The mage winked at her as she made her way down the stone steps to the next level of protective walls.

Olani followed the ledge past the King’s royal crest and some sconces burning with amber light. She walked down another set of steps and stopped when she heard a cracking sound.

A massive, smoldering urn plummeted toward her. She threw herself against the wall, and the urn missed her by inches, crashing to the ledge. Charcoal, wood chips, and incense scattered down the staircase. Footsteps thudded above. She looked up only to see the flash of an arm and leg, a figure too dark to discern vanished from her sight.

Olani let her breath out, heart thumping against her chest. She heard more fireballs crackling against the magical barrier, and pulled herself out of hiding.

As she looked around, she convinced herself that there was no one about, and headed down the last flight into the courtyard. A legion of city guards marched past her. She turned back over her shoulder, unable to shake the feeling of eyes on her.


“Your bravery is unquestionable,” Panno said. He walked over to Pim and touched his face. Jodan followed Panno, and did the same. Their fingers brushed Pim’s cheeks and traced along his chin.

“What are you doing?” Pim felt his face warm and stepped out of the seers’ reach. “Please…”

“They admire you,” Shannara said. “They’re not used to seeing men with strength and courage… especially men that are close to their size and weight. It fascinates them. They wish they could be like you, but physically, it just isn’t possible.”

“I’m sorry,” Pim said to them. The seers bowed their heads before joining Shannara’s side.

Drith sighed. “If we are done petting the whelp, can we get on with this? Wivering, what did he tell you? Speak!”

Pim was both insulted and angry at the same time, but he knew he was right. There was no time to lose. He put his emotions aside and recounted his meeting with the Lich Lord.

“He would not reveal directly, but he told us to seek one piece in the place from whence it came. I guessed the shores of the Baltha Sea, because of the cave drawings we found, and I was right. He said it came from across the sea.”

“You speak of the land of Norrow,” Drith said.

“The stone came from Norrow?” asked Tolan. “I have never known the people of Norrow to even practice magic.”

“The current people may not, but who knows what others have lived there?” Shannara said. “How much do any of you know of Norrow?”

None of them could answer.

“Then we head to Norrow,” said Tolan.

“How will we know where to find it?” Pim asked. “Even if it is there, how would we even begin to search?”

“If there is magic there, I will feel it,” Shannara said. “But you forget, Pim, I brought better eyes with us.” She gestured to Panno and Jodan. “They will guide us onto the right path.”

“We will travel back through my lands,” Drith said. “It is the fastest way.”

“Very well,” Tolan said. “We’ll fetch the horses and ride.”

Pim followed the others back through the swamplands with Tolan guarding the rear. Tolan caught up to him and put his hand on his shoulder. “A job well done, today, my friend. I wish I could have been by your side.”

“I was fine on my own, but thank you.” He slid Tolan’s arm from his shoulder and pulled ahead.


The group traveled onward. For days, they crossed the desert lands of the South, heading on to the outskirts of Drith’s city, Glenghora. In their travels, caravans and shepherds bid them good luck, and told tales of the Neshing crushing all in their path,

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