Possessing the Grimstone - By John Grover Page 0,46

from her and returned to the wall. He shook his head and mumbled something under his breath. “It will not be easy.”

“Nothing worth fighting for ever is.”

The mage pushed the sleeves of his robes up to his elbows, lifting his arms. He caught the wind in his hands, spread his fingers, and pointed out to the fields. A spark of light shot from each of his hands and soared into the farmlands below. In mere moments, a wall of white energy rose from the ground.

The magic wall curled and drew a circle around all of Cardoon. It glowed with righteous, warm light, twinkling like a thousand jewels.

“I do not know how long it will stand,” Sooth-Malesh said. “I pray it will buy us the time we need.”

“When it falls, the battle of the ages will begin,” Olani said. “I will be ready this time.”

“Will you?” He asked her. “Take heed, Lady of the Council. A battle rages within these walls right now. I am not the only one who must believe in myself.”

Olani descended the steps of the rampart back down to the courtyard. Nachin waited for her across the way.


Pim was surprised by Drith’s fear of Mort A’ghas. He didn’t think the man was afraid of anything.

They sat on the rear slopes of the Graywing Mountains. Pim saw vast rivers and trees leading to thicker jungles and a misty horizon. The sun was setting, and they planned to camp at the bottom of the mountains and start a fire. The journey would resume in the morning.

The group sipped some water and packed the horses, and started the descent out of the mountains.

In the midst of their travel, Panno and Jodan stopped. Shannara sensed them, and turned. “What is it? What do you see?”

“The Neshing have reached Gonnish,” Panno said.

“Gonnish?” Pim froze. He ran to Shannara’s side. “Mother and Father—they won’t stand a chance. All of our army is in Cardoon!” His heart raced, his arms ran with sweat. He felt his eyes tingle.

“Pim, calm down,” Tolan called, approaching from behind.

“No, I have to go to them. They need me.”

“You won’t reach them in time, my friend. Even with your speed.”

“But they’re counting on me.” Pim poised himself to run.

Tolan grabbed him by the arm. “We need you. Athora needs you.”

Tears stained Pim’s cheeks.

“Have no fear,” Shannara said. “My sisters protect your people, young Wivering. My blood sister, Anelle, leads my army into your lands as we speak.” She turned to her two seers.

The two men bowed and went to Pim, laying their hands on his head. Panno caught his tears as they fell, and a vision formed in front of Pim’s eyes.

Wivering houses burned with green fire. The people screamed and ran, abandoning their fields and farms.

The Neshing marched in on foot, swinging axes and clubs, defending pitchfork and hoe attacks with shields of bone. Their mages hurled yellow-green fireballs through the air. Animals either scattered, or were reduced to ashes. Crops wilted and turned black. Roars and growls carried on blistering winds. The Neshing familiars swatted at fleeing Wivering, and managed to snatch some from their families.

Pim’s mother and father ran from their home with his brother, Tal. The three of them raced into the distance, past their farm. Pim’s mother cradled his baby sister in her arms.

His father looked back; the Neshing closed in. He turned round to see a volley of crossbow quarrels shoot across the skies.

The D’Elkyrie women advanced on the Neshing from both land and air. Their first wave on land fired their crossbows. Neshing warriors fell under the screaming bolts, their familiars scattering back into nothing.

From the air, the second wave of D’Elkyrie used their imitation wings to drop into the beast’s ranks. Dagblades sprung out, and the women slashed their way through their foes.

Neshing and D’Elkyrie clashed in a savage, bloody fight for land and life. The women warriors dropped to the ground and slashed the legs of their foes. As the Neshing tumbled, twin blades cut throats, severed bone totems, and released trapped spirits to the next life. The D’Elkyrie studied their enemies well. Still, the Neshing were strong.

A fireball exploded in the middle of the chaos, reducing D’Elkyrie and Neshing, alike, to ashes. The women fell to the dark magic that scorched a path through Wivering territory.

A familiar slashed Anelle across her face. She stumbled briefly, then gained her footing. She flipped into the air and landed behind her foe. The Neshing’s familiar turned to face her, but she slashed

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