Possessing the Grimstone - By John Grover Page 0,44

are lacking.”

“You may not believe in me, but I will watch over you.”

“Do as you wish.” He walked away from Pim, who joined Tolan and Shannara at the double archways.

“To the right, or left?” Tolan asked Shannara.

“Panno tells me it makes no difference,” she answered. “The passages circle around and meet at the same point. The center is a great drop. We must watch our steps.”

He chose the left path, and the others followed him: Shannara, her warriors and seers, Pim behind them, and Drith at the rear.

The torchlight brought the chamber to life bit by bit. All around them, ledges of various shapes and sizes covered the walls. The chamber was a huge oval-shaped area with steep walls..

Bridges spanned across the chasm, connecting both sides of the chamber.

Everyone looked up with awe. They were the only ones to stand and see where the First People had actually lived and thrived, where they’d built and created, where they’d ruled for thousands of years.

They stopped at a wall that had the most ledges. The lowest one was just out of reach of any of them, but Drith stepped to the forefront, and once more, scaled the wall.

He reached down to Tolan and helped him up to the ledge. The warrior, in turn, helped the last of the Cardoon soldiers. Shannara leaped through the air, flipped once, and locked onto Tolan’s arms, pulling herself up to the ledge. She winked at Pim and extended her arm.

Pim melted inside, but kept himself together. He took Shannara’s hand; her flesh was hot, her grip strong.

“Panno, you may come with me. Jodan,” Shannara addressed the other seer, “Stay here with my sisters. We want our backs guarded. We’ll take the journey to the next level.” She drew her dagblades again, and followed Tolan, Pim, and the others upward.

Each ledge acted as a step toward the top. Torches flickered in a slight breeze. Pim was between Tolan, above him, and Shannara, below. Drith led the charge, scuttling up the ledges with ease.

At last, they reached a huge doorway with massive, ornate pillars flanking each side. Pim marched through with the others, and froze in his steps. So did the rest of the group. The most amazing sight awaited them on the other side of the entryway.

A vast land stretched impossibly as far as the eye could see. A red and purple sky glowed with a blanket of stars, stretching to the horizon, where a rushing waterfall poured down into a shimmering river.

A mix of night and day permeated the land, dazzling Pim and the others. Trees and plant life glowed with phosphorescence. Birds dotted the sky, fluttering across it and into the trees.

Stone bridges with rocky banisters stretched from land to the walls and rooftops of ancient homes. They gazed upon the houses of the First People, the Mulcavrii. These stone dwellings were painted with vibrant mosaics, and carved with more runes and faces of the original inhabitants.

Almost unable to speak, Tolan managed to form words, and pointed out across the new land. “Let us enter their domain, their homes, to find the truth.”

“There’s an entire world inside here,” Pim said with excitement and wonder. “How is this even possible?”

“The First People possessed the Grimstone,” Shannara said. “Remember this, Pim. This kind of power comes with a price.”

They chose the first bridge they came to, and crossed it into the strange land. Pim felt the very stone of the bridge vibrating. He looked down to see a rushing river, and thick, lush green jungle encroaching on both of its banks.

A continuous wall connected all of the homes, running between and behind each one. The wall was crafted with many different shaped stones of varying colors.

Tolan got close to it and brought his torch directly before it. The light revealed drawings and painting of the Mulcavrii. “Here, as I thought, is where they recorded their lives.”

Pim stepped up to the wall, Shannara joining his side. They observed the First People in the midst of religious ceremonies, praying, blessing, and sacrificing. There were drawings of them dancing, crafting, and sculpting. There were drawings of them soaring through Athora’s young skies and misty seas.

One image showed the Mulcavrii discovering the Grimstone. It was found on a beach; it may or may not have been the Silver Coast to the west. They were shown playing with the stone, revering it, holding it above all else.

The stone rested on great pedestals until they learned to use its power, creating color and

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