Possessing the Grimstone - By John Grover Page 0,41

appeared. They wore flowing white robes with hoods covering their faces. “We had no choice but to defend Athora. We are all sisters and brothers.”

“Those are quite the weapons you wield. You sent the Gnolls yelping like dogs.”

“They are called dagblades, our twin dagblades; an invention by our men. They are very formidable.”

“Your men do not fight?” Pim asked in disbelief.

Shannara smiled. “Of course not. They raise the children and grow the food. They are not as strong as we are. We are warriors of Thet. Some of our men have the gift of sight to make up for their lack of strength.”

“Amazing,” Pim said.

“Ridiculous,” Drith shook his head as he and his guard corralled their horses.

Shannara laughed. “There are many different people in Athora, Wivering. Not all are like yours. Among our people, we are the warriors and protectors.”

“What brings you to the Graywing Mountains?” Tolan asked.

“The same reason as you,” Shannara answered. “Our seers have pointed us to the grounds of the First People. The only way to stop the Neshing is to find the other two pieces of the stone.”

“Yes,” Tolan said. “It is the most important thing in the world, right now. Nothing else matters.”

“Agreed. We foresaw your journey, and we’ve come to assist you. Together we can use each other’s strengths and put an end to the horrors that have invaded our lands.”

“We welcome you,” Tolan said. “Thet smiles on us, today.”

Shannara smiled, her eyes catching the light as she sheathed her dagblades.

“If both of you are done having afternoon tea, may we continue?” Drith said before flipping onto his horse.

“Some respect, Drith. Shannara of the D’Elkyrie has saved our lives.”

“Please, we were just about to cut out of the dogs’ net and serve them to their Under God.”

Tolan laughed. “If you say so.” He turned back to Shannara. “Shall we be on our way, my lady?”

“Of course, there is no time to waste.”

After burying their dead, Tolan fetched his horse and that of his fallen comrade. He offered it to Shannara. She graciously accepted and climbed upon it. Pim trailed behind. He couldn’t take his eyes off Shannara. Her ivory skin nearly glowed; her long hair was the color of the night sky, and shimmered across her shoulders. Her eyes were mesmerizing, and the strength she possessed made her all the more mysterious and alluring.

She is an amazing woman. Pim tried to keep focused, but already he found himself thinking of Shannara and her violet eyes. He climbed onto his horse and started down the path.

Drith and his guard led the way as Tolan, Pim, and the remaining single soldier of Cardoon followed. Six D’Elkrie warriors walked alongside their leader and the other horses, the sun reflecting off of their silver mail armor, dancing along the trees. The two seers traveled with them, protected by their warriors.


The air grew thin; clouds shrouded the top of the mountains, and trees became scarce.

They passed by a bubbling river, and the trail widened as stone columns began appearing along it. Most of the columns were broken, and the tops were missing. All of them were carved with runes that no one could read. It was believed to be the language of the First People.

Pim thought that the columns might have been crowned with perches for the winged people to sit upon to survey their land. Or they could have just been markings of what section of the road you were on. It was a mystery.

They traveled on, discovering more runes carved into boulders and rock formations. There were some old pottery pieces scattered on the path. Pim tried to peer inside some of them, but there was nothing to see.

The grass on the ground appeared scorched. There were animal bodies, horned skulls, gaping sockets, fossilized teeth. They passed what looked like a massive basin, either for catching rain water, or for bathing in. There was a carving of a pair of wings on it

Soon, the road ended at the face of the tallest mountain. There was a downward slope, and then an alcove. Everyone stopped. Drith jumped from his horse, followed by Tolan and Pim. Shannara drew up next to Tolan and the Wivering.

Pim shivered at her arrival.

They moved down the slope to the alcove and found the yawning mouth of a cave. Embedded in the opening was a stone gate. Above it was a stone carving of a being with wings.

Drith went up and pushed on the gates. They didn’t budge.

Tolan slid his hand along the

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