Possessing the Grimstone - By John Grover Page 0,21

whoever else we can out of Bhrungach, before they regroup. We have no more forces here. I’m afraid Bhrungach is lost.”

Geyess nodded and turned. “Collect yourselves, men! Help evacuate the city; help the wounded.”

Tolan looked up at Olani. “M’lady! We must get you away from here! Your city is lost… it is not safe. The enemy is returning with more forces.”

She waved to him and left the wall. The city gates eased open, and Tolan met her at at them.

“You have saved my people.” She put her arms out with open palms, her eyes bright with hope.

“I’m afraid it’s a temporary stay, M’lady. They are just disrupted without their magic. More have been summoned. We need to flee now while we can. Half of our forces are gone. We do not have the strength to fight on.”

“May Thet bless you for your efforts. I will summon my council, now, and my guide, Nachin. Please take as many people as Cardoon can accept. The rest of my army will be at your disposal.”

“You are gracious, M’lady.”

“I’m afraid many of my people have fled into the Wizened Forest.”

“There is no time to find them all, M’lady. Let us pray they find their way to safe havens.”

“My heart breaks for them.”

Over her shoulder, Tolan saw the white-haired men of the council stumbling out of the city one by one, their faces drained of all color, far-away looks in their eyes.

Behind them, Nachin made his way, joining Olani’s side.

Tolan and his men gathered their dead, ushered the people of Bhrungach to the roads, and compared notes on the enemy with the soldiers of the North.

The ragged group headed away from the North and its beauty, the green forests, and the cool, rushing rivers, and tranquil lakes.

In the distance, they listened to drums, and knew the creeping terror would follow them through all the lands.


Pim sat at the table with his mother and father. It was the morning meal, and the family passed around toasted homemade bread, buttered with briar nut jam. His brother, Tal, was absent from the table, still sleeping in his bed. He’d always been a late sleeper, missing most of the morning meals. Not Pim. He had been awake most of the night, bubbling with the excitement of his new achievements. He was bursting at the seams to tell them all about it, but he dared not. For now, he enjoyed toast, porridge, juice, and chicory tea.

He caught a glimpse of the sky outside. Dark clouds stirred across it, swallowing the sun. He’d never seen anything like it. The sky looked menacing, as if at any moment, it would unleash something terrible over Gonnish.

His parents seemed unmoved by it. If they were nervous, they kept it a secret.

A dog barked in the distance. The sound of thunder echoed.

His parents shifted in their seats. Their infant daughter cried, and Pim’s mother went to her, forgetting her hot food.

Pim thought of the Red Coast and the wall of clouds. The sky reminded him of it. Had something come through? Were the whispers among the other Wivering true? Now more than ever, he wanted to join the Warrior Guild. If something did come, he wanted to help and be a part of the protection.

The sword he borrowed was under his bed; he could have it in his grip in seconds.

Thunder crashed now, right above them. The table shook. His father stopped eating as the spoon tumbled from his grip. Tal entered the room, crying, and ran to his mother’s arms.

“Something scary is coming,” Tal cried. “Something wants to devour us.”

“Hush,” his mother soothed. “It is just a storm, nothing more.”

“No, no… the other kids said… it is a herald. Nameless terror comes for us. Evil ones from the mist.”

“Tal,” his father called. “Enough. Do not speak of such nonsense. It is a storm, nothing more, just as your mother said.”

Tal whimpered and buried his face into his mother’s apron.

Pim grinned, then looked outside again. Wind whistled.

I’m ready.

Chapter Six

Inside the great palace at Cardoon, many of the land’s leaders gathered at a massive round stone table. Tolan watched King Endrille enter the meeting hall, a pair of guards escorting him.

Jorrel of the High Guard stood with Tolan, and on his other side, Olani and her escort, Nachin, waited. Some of the other council members of the North stood behind them. A few of the survivors of the Lake Lands lingered in the shadows, fear crippling them.

Ministers from the peasants and farmers of Cardoon also joined

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