Possessing the Grimstone - By John Grover Page 0,17

night. The attack had hit home. The walls of Bhrungach trembled, but held.

Outside her window, she heard shrieks and howls. Strange green fire filled the sky. Soaring rocks assaulted the walls and thundered with terrible sounds. The city buckled. It cried out with terror. The streets flooded with chaos.

Tears streamed down Olani’s cheeks. They’d refused to believe her. Stubborn, foolish old men had condemned them all.

She was surprised at how well the walls were standing, taking hit after hit, magical attack after magical attack. How long could they last?

“M’lady,” Nachin threw open her bedroom doors. “Forgive me, but we must take refuge. The council is fleeing to the tunnels.”

“Cowards… let them face the consequences of challenging me.”

“M’lady, your people are heading below, too. They need your support.”

Olani threw on a sheer robe and followed Nachin out of the palace and to the cobblestone streets. People ran in every direction, screaming. Rooftops were ablaze; a huge, spiked boulder sat in the middle of the road, and black smoke choked the sky.

What was left of Bhrungach’s soldiers raced to the walls. They climbed the stone steps and met their deaths in a hail of dark magic, jagged spears, and blades and fire. Their bodies exploded into ashes as the magic swarmed them.

Olani’s jaw dropped, and her heart pounded in her chest. Stark fear seized her. What ghastly sights waited on the other side of their own walls? A part of her wanted to face it, but she knew she needed to carry on, be with her people, and reassure them that they would not fall to evil from the bowels of the abyss.

Nachin flung the sewer cover from its perch and climbed down. Olani followed him, taking one last look at the wall and the flaming boulder hurtling toward her.

Chapter 5

The young boy from Bhrungach rode to the gates of Cardoon in the morning sun. He’d ridden all night, and his horse was on the verge of collapse. The beast trembled, snorting.

Tolan, recently freed from the stockade, walked the gates, spotting the boy’s approach.

The guards pointed their crossbows at him as he grew closer. Merchants and traders swarmed the boy with live chickens, furs, and bottles of wine.

“Hold! State your name and business in Cardoon,” one of the guards called.

“Please, sir,” the boy’s voice cracked under stress. “I am Revis from Daustra; our lands have been invaded by a foreign army.”

“Cardoon does not get involved with the quarrels of the North and the South. We are neutral.”

“It’s not the South! It is a strange dark army with magic and fire. The Lake Lands have fallen, and Bhrungach is under siege. Please, I beg you, let me see the King!”

“Let the boy in,” Tolan said. “He’s been sent by Bhrungach under a sign of distress. It is just as Sooth-Malesh has said. Our lands are under attack.”

The guards stared at Tolan in disbelief.

“Let him in!” Tolan growled, and the guards grabbed the gate’s wheel.

The courtyard swarmed with soldiers, and Jorrel came running from his quarters.

Tolan led the boy through the city. His horse was taken to a fountain. Tolan’s friend, Geyess, followed Jorrel to the city center.

“What is this?” Jorrel asked. “Tolan, why is he here?”

“The North is under attack,” Tolan called to the men.

“Yes, by the South, again,” Jorrel answered. “This is not news, we do not interf—“

“No, not by the South: by mysterious invaders that threaten all of our lands!”

“Not this again, Tolan. There are no invaders from the east… there is nothing…”

“I saw them,” the boy spoke up. “They are monsters… burning village after village. There are unstoppable! My mother sent me to Bhrungach, and the Lady of the Council sent me for your help! Please… before all is lost!”

“The boy is in hysterics,” Jorrel said. “He’s imagining things.”

“Hark!” the guards of the gate called. All eyes turned toward them. The gates slowly opened and a lone rider strode into the city. He was slumped over his horse, his body badly burned, and still smoldering.

Shocked gasps resounded. Tolan ran to his comrade of the Circle Guard and pulled him from the horse.

“Can you speak?” Tolan wiped the blood from the man’s eyes.

“An army… come through the mist. Things… creatures. They sailed to the Red Coast on deathships, firing magic. Their war machines were massive, monstrosities, launching fire. There are mages more powerful than I have ever seen. They were endless… countless numbers, thousands of ships. I… I… may Thet have mercy on us.”

“They’ve come!” Sooth-Malesh called from the other side

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