Playmaker - Jami Davenport Page 0,53

approached him. He visibly stiffened but held his ground, even though a muscle in his jaw twitched. She ran a hand down his chest, and his scowl was razor-sharp. “Help me carry my luggage in.”

“Please,” Steele reminded her.

“Please,” she shot back with dripping sweetness not the least bit sincere. Not waiting for his reply, she pivoted on her clunky sandals and headed back toward her car. Steele reluctantly followed, obviously annoyed.

I arched a brow at Lanie, and she held her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh. Pulling her into my arms, I took advantage of our moment alone and kissed her. We were still kissing when the odd couple came back inside.

“Get a fucking room,” Steele growled from behind us.

Lanie and I didn’t stop right away, just to prove a point. A few seconds more, though, and Lanie pushed away from me. Damn, I didn’t want to stop.

Only then did I realize that Cin had a bulldog on a leash. He was built like a truck with a pushed-in nose, and he snorted and panted as if he’d just run a mile. Looking at him, I doubted he’d walk let alone run a mile.

Steele was laden down with several bags and stopped in the middle of the small living room. He glanced around as if at a loss for what to do with all this stuff.

“You can put my sewing machine and sewing basket on that table over there. Since this is now my bedroom, just stack my luggage by the couch.” To prove her point, Cin dropped several additional bags on the couch and flopped down next to them. She took off her sandals and rubbed feet with bright blue toes. The bulldog jumped on the couch beside her and wiped a line of slobber on the couch arm.

Steele’s eyes bugged out of their sockets as our pristine living room was turned into a hippy flophouse. I struggled not to break out into laughter. By the look on Lanie’s face, she was doing the same.

Steele placed the sewing machine on the table and her basket next to it. “Is that all?”

She blinked a few times, gazing up at him. “For now. I’ll let you know if I need more help.” Cin dug in one of her bags, tossing items aside on the coffee table and floor, not caring where they fell. Steele fisted his hands and stared at the mounting pile of crap invading his tidy sanctuary.

“What is that?” Steele pointed at the bulldog.

“He’s not a that. He’s family, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t insult him. He’s very sensitive.” Ignoring Steele, she turned to Lanie and me. “This is Hercules. I call him Herc.”

“He’s adorable.” Lanie rushed to love on the dog.

“Fucking adorable,” Steele muttered.

“He is cute,” I added, just to needle Steele, surprised he was upset about the dog. He’d liked Mona when she’d lived with us for one evening. I was the one who didn’t have an affinity for dogs. I’d never really been around them much. I walked over to Steele as Lanie cooed over the bulldog. “I thought you liked dogs?”

“Not this one,” Steele grouched and sent another scathing glare in the direction of Cin.

“I get it. It’s her you don’t like, so anything associated with her.”

“Whatever.” Steele turned away, rummaging through the refrigerator until he found one of those gawd-awful healthy drinks he liked. They tasted like dirt, leaves, and dandelions. Nasty shit.

“You drink those?” Cin said in horror. “They’re not organic, and they’re not earth-friendly.”

“Good, I’ll buy more of them,” Steele shot back through gritted teeth. I’d never seen him so pissed except on the ice. He was usually cool and calm.

This was going to be an interesting next several days. I’d probably spend most of my time at Lanie’s and let these two carry on the battle of the sexes. After emptying the contents of her bag, Cin finally found the multicolored horn-rimmed glasses she’d been looking for. She put them on and studied something on her phone, while Herc laid his big head on her lap and stared up at her adoringly. She absently patted his head.

“Thanks so much for letting me stay here,” she said to Lanie and me. Steele wasn’t included in her gratitude, probably because he was outwardly seething at her disruption of his ordered life.

“I think Lanie and I will take a walk down the beach,” I announced, enjoying with evil glee pitting those two together. “Steele, keep an eye on the sauce Copyright 2016 - 2024