Play With Me - Brittany Cournoyer Page 0,68

name on the screen.

“Hey, man. What’s up?” I asked after I answered it. It was rare for him to call me since we mostly communicated via text, so worry began to set in.

“My blood pressure.”

“What’s going on?”

“My car just took a shit on me while I was driving to the office. I think it’s a head gasket. Unless all the steam coming from under the hood is just a traveling steam room?”

I laughed despite the situation. Even under stress, Maverick had a way of sneaking in his typical snark. “Ah, yeah, don’t get your face too close. Where are you? I’ll have Chris come give it a tow to the shop.”

“Thanks. Think he’ll let me hitch a ride with him so I can get a rental sorted?”

“I don’t see why not. Where are you?”

After getting his location, I placed a call to Chris. He was on the other side of town but would be heading that way shortly, so after sending Maverick a text to hang tight, I got back to work. I had just finished with the engine and was cleaning up when the large rumbling of Chris’s truck penetrated my ears. I quickly snagged my rag to give my hands a more thorough wipe-down before walking out to greet them.

Even frustrated with his predicament, Maverick still looked more put together than most people on his best day. His closely cropped gray hair was still all in one place, as if he didn’t run a hand through it out of irritation, and his suit was still perfectly pressed without a single wrinkle. The only indication of any frustration was the narrowing of his piercing eyes. Even though we’d been playing together for a while, it was the first time I’d seen him in his work attire, and I had to admit, even I had to stop and admire his good looks. But he was certainly no Foster.

“Perfect timing. I just finished up, so I can get started on your car right away, Maverick.”

“Great. I’ll get it unloaded, then,” Chris said.

“Bay two is empty,” I told him since I hadn’t pulled out Mr. Swanson’s car yet.

“Got it.” Chris turned and looked at Maverick, and the interest that sparked in his eyes was hard to ignore. “It was nice to meet you Maverick.”

“You too, Chris. I appreciate your promptness.”

His tone was curt, dismissive, and very much Maverick, so I knew he didn’t mean for it to come out how it sounded. But disappointment marred Chris’s face, and his shoulders were slumped as he turned to head back to his tow truck. While I wanted to say something to Maverick about it, I kept my mouth shut. It was none of my business, and I knew I didn’t like when the guys poked around in my relationship with Foster.

“Were you able to call the car rental company?”

Maverick nodded. “Yes. Someone is on their way now with a car. Do you have any idea how long it’ll take to get mine back?”

I shrugged. “It depends on what’s wrong with it and how long the parts take. But no worries, I doubt it’ll take too long at all. Once Chris gets your car unhooked, make sure you clean it out of everything you need.”

“Right. I didn’t even think about that. I have a lecture in an hour, and I was trying to get to campus early enough to finalize my lesson for the day. This was not included in my daily plans.”

I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing. Maverick was the epitome of a stuffy college professor, down to his fitted suit and dry sense of humor. And even though he hated his schedule to be thrown off, I was sure his students wouldn’t mind class being cut a bit short. Music Theory sounded as exciting as peeling wallpaper with a butter knife. But when he was behind a piano, it was as if he transformed and became one with the instrument as his fingers flew across the keyboard.

“Well, hopefully it’s just a small pitstop and you’ll be in your class in no time.”

“That’d be ideal.”

I smirked and turned to see Chris backing his truck up to the bay. “I’m glad Chris was available to give you a hand.”

Maverick glanced down at the watch on his wrist with a sigh. “Yes. Me too.”

“He’s a great guy,” I added. Even though it wasn’t my place, I felt compelled to give Maverick a little nudge.

“I’m sure he is. Where is that damn rental Copyright 2016 - 2024